بحث موضوع تقرير برجراف برزنتيشن تعبير  سحلية ضخمة تشبه التمساح  أخطر الحيوانات في العالم معلومات هامة عن تنين كومودو يقوم بتسميم  الفريسة
المرعبة   أضخم أنواع الورل من السحالي البرمائية اللاحمة جزيرة كومودو
الاوروبي تمساح يأكل يقتل  التنين الحقيقي الازرق


Physical description
The Komodo dragon is a reptile of the family of lizards. This large lizard weighs about 70 kg and measures 1 to 3 m without the tail, which is almost as long as his body. Its skin is gray, black or dark green. It is covered with plates with small bones. It has a large mouth that contains 60 teeth and a long forked yellow tongue, which it uses to smell and move in the dark. Indeed, if by day he can see up to 300 meters, his night vision is quite weak. Its 4 legs are short and fleshy, and ended with claws curved measuring 5 cm.

His place of life
The Komodo dragon is present only on some Indonesian islands, including Flores, Gili Dasami, Gili Motang, Komodo and Rinca. It lives in warm and dry environments such as grasslands and savannas. It can also be admired in some zoos like London or Washington.

His diet
The Komodo dragon is carnivorous and feeds mainly on dead animals (and sometimes humans). He sometimes hunts invertebrates, birds and mammals such as buffaloes, goats, wild boars and even young monitor lizards!

Depending on the size of his prey, he attacks by biting it, breaking his spine, or knocking him out with a tail stroke. He does not pursue his prey because he is not very fast in the race. Once he succeeds in biting them, he infects them with his deadly venom and later spots them with his tongue. His jaws are not very strong, but they are very elastic, allowing him to swallow whole a prey the size of a goat. Once digested prey, it regurgitates the horns, the teeth and the hairs.

His reproduction
The breeding season is between May and June. In September, the female exploits a nest abandoned by a bird to lay some twenty eggs. She will then hatch them for 7 to 8 months and the hatching will take place in April. Newborns measure about 30 cm and are therefore very vulnerable. That's why they protect themselves from predators as early as possible in a tree, the time for them to reach adult size.

His life expectancy
Komodo dragons can live up to 50 years.

The cry of the Komodo dragon
It emits several vocalizations, such as hisses and rumblings, to mark in particular its submission to a dominant dragon.

Particular signs

Komodo dragons are able to reproduce without mating. This phenomenon, called parthenogenesis, allows females even isolated to ensure the continuity of the species. Indeed, this type of reproduction always gives birth to males, with which they can mate later.

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