حيواني استرالي نادر الكلب الأسترالي أو دنغو dingo ذئب هونشو إيراني كلاب شرسة جدا تسمانيا دينمو معلومات عن كلاب الدينغو الاسترالية استراليا الدينجو 
dingo حيوان ثديي من عائلة الكلبيات ورتبة اللواحم يقطن البيئات شبه الصحراوية في أستراليا  الكلاب البرية الكلب الأسترالي أو دنغو dingo يتميز بكبر حجمه وبلونه الأصفر

Physical description
Close to dogs and wolves, dingos also belong to the Canidae family. They measure from 47 to 67 cm at the height of the shoulder, and from 80 to 120 cm in length for an average weight of 15 kg. Their dense, short coat is usually red. In some cases it may be black spotted with white and red, or entirely white. They have a muscular body, erect ears, short legs and a long tail.
His place of life
Dingos are found in Southeast Asia (Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, etc.) and in Australia. They occupy different environments such as forests, desert regions and mountainous areas. They are often solitary, but usually live in packs of 3 to 12 individuals.
His diet
The dingo feeds on mammals (kangaroos, rabbits, sheep ...), birds, reptiles, insects and even fruits. It hunts alone or in groups, depending on the size and abundance of prey. He is not very fast in the race, but this weakness is offset by his extreme endurance. Indeed, he pursues his prey until it is exhausted and then he grabs it.
His reproduction
Dingos reach sexual maturity around the age of 2 and only breed once a year. Gestation lasts 2 months and the female can have up to 10 pups. She gives birth in a cave or burrow, and will stay there for about a month. Afterwards, she joined the pack with her children, who were breastfeeding for 2 months. Even after being weaned, the cubs stay with their parents for at least 2 years, during which they learn to hunt and often even attend the arrival of the next litter.
His life expectancy
The dingo can live up to 10 years in the wild, and up to 15 years in captivity.
The cry of the dingo
The dings communicate with each other by screams and moans.
Particular signs
Although they share many common traits with dogs, dingoes do not bark. When they feel in danger, they sneeze rather strongly.

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