تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز عن
تعبير بالانجليزي عن. تقرير جاهز
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تقرير عن الحضاره المصريه باللغه الانجليزيه
موضوع عن مصر بالانجليزي مترجم
برجراف عن السياحة فى مصر بالانجليزى
بحث عن الاثار المصرية باللغة الانجليزية
موضوع عن القاهرة بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الاهرامات بالانجليزي قصير

برجراف عن نهر النيل بالانجليزى

The country, its riches

Egypt, officially known as the Arab Republic of Egypt, is a country in northeastern Africa, located at the crossroads of Africa and Asia. Its capital is the city of Cairo, where passes the famous River Nile, 1500km long.

The country is divided into four distinct regions: Upper Egypt, Middle Egypt, Lower Egypt and Nubia, which together form an area of ​​1,001,450 km2. The country has 2450km of coastline, and coexists with two maritime borders: the Mediterranean in the north, and the Red Sea. The rest of the country's borders are shared with Israel, the Gaza Strip in the north-east, Libya in the west and Sudan in the south.

His geography is quite special. The Nile which traverses the country from north to south in the east of the territory allows its banks to have a rich and fertile land. The rest of the country is completely desert. To the south, the Nile faces a mountainous barrier. The further it goes to the North, and the more the landscape is flat and desert. North of Cairo, a few hundred kilometers from northern Africa, the valley becomes a delta 200km wide, where the land is green and fertile. This is where the river ends its course, diving directly into the Mediterranean Sea. To the east of the valley lies the Arabian Desert, and to the west the Libyan Desert. It is an arid plateau where there are both lush oases and desert areas. To the east, beyond the Suez Canal, is the Sinai Peninsula, an extension of the Arabian Desert, where Mount St. Catherine is majestically elevated.

The climate of Egypt fits perfectly with the landscape of the country: it is hot and dry. Only the lands along the Nile and the Delta allow the country not to have a 100% Saharan climate. There may be exceptionally some nocturnal jellies but these are quite rare. However in the north of the country, the months of January, February and March can sometimes be quite cool, with average temperatures of 20 ° C on the Mediterranean coast. The maximums are generally 31 ° C in the north, and in Aswan, southern city, the climate can reach 50 ° C. In the desert, the extremes overlap: the extremely hot temperatures of the days cross the icy nights.

In the past, there was little rain in Egypt, but since the creation of the high dam, Egypt has become much more humid. The Nile delta, meanwhile, has very little drought, and one can even see in winter violent rains turning the area into swamps. Khamsin is a hot, dry and dusty wind that rages in the spring. Coming straight from the deserts of the south-east, he sweeps the country for about fifty days. The air is so heavy that breathing is difficult.

Despite its desert area which represents 94% of the territory, Egypt is home to some ecosystems. Some plants have adapted in consequence: we meet the lotus, papyrus, palm trees, acacias ... Even the wildlife manages to survive in this seemingly hostile environment. Egypt has four hundred and thirty species of birds and more than a hundred mammals living in it: gazelles, donkeys, camels ... We must not forget the reptiles that bask in them: like the thirty-four species of snakes that count the country, scorpions or some crocodiles on the banks of the Nile near Aswan.

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