معلومات بحث موضوع تعبير فقرة تقرير  برزنتيشن  نص مقال تقرير بحث انشاء 
موضوع عن الكوالا بالانجليزي حيوان يضع ابنه في جرابه ويعيش اعلى الاشجار حيوان الكوال 

معلومات عن الحيوان الكوالا صفات  تزاوج حيوان  حيوان الكوالا موضوع عن انقراض الحيوانات بالانجليزي تقرير عن حيوان مهدد بالانقراض  موضوع انجليزي قصير  دب الكوالا مهدّد بالانقراض  اين يعيش دب الكوالا

Physical description
The koala is a species of marsupial. It measures between 61 and 85 cm and weighs between 4 and 14 kg. His corpulence depends on the region in which he lives. In colder areas, koalas are larger, while in places where there is little rain, they are smaller.

The thick fur of the koala is gray over most of its body, and white on the ends of the ears. His head is big compared to his body, with big round ears. His big black nose, very sensitive to odors, provides him with a lot of information about the world around him: the quality of his food, the presence of predators, females, etc.

The koala has no tail but its morphology allows it to keep a good balance when it is on the branches. Its four limbs are short and end with five fingers with pointed claws, allowing it to easily grip the trees. As with all marsupials, the female has a ventral pocket.
His place of life
Koalas are only found in Australia on the east and south coasts. They love moist forests and spend most of their time in the trees. However, when the trees are distant from each other, they can move on the ground.
His diet
Koalas are herbivores and consume only leaves, barks and eucalyptus fruits. They rarely drink and cover their water needs with eucalyptus leaves.
His reproduction
Koalas are sexually mature around the age of 3. The breeding season runs from October to April. The dominant male mates with several females. The gestation lasts only a month and the little one is born is hardly bigger than a pea. He is, however, provided with claws which he will use to climb in the ventral pocket of his mother, where he will be breastfed for 6 to 7 months.

Gradually, breast milk will be replaced by a kind of porridge, consisting of partially digested eucalyptus leaves. As the body grows, the baby will come out of the ventral pouch to learn how to feed himself, but will not be weaned until he is one year old. At the age of 18 months, if the mother has a new pregnancy, she will hunt her offspring so that she can start her own territory. Otherwise, he can stay with her until the age of 3 years.
His life expectancy
The koala can live between the ages of 13 and 20, with females having a longer life expectancy than males.
The cry of koala
Koalas emit different types of sounds depending on the situation. When stressed, they cry out like a human baby. During the breeding season, males can be heard growling loudly to attract females and intimidate other males. Females and their young, for their part, affectionately exchange squeaks and clicks.
Particular signs
Koalas spend most of their day sleeping, and the short time they are awake, they stay still, busy eating and cleaning themselves.

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