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معلومات قصيرة  بسيطة  وصف النمر باللغة الانجليزية بالانجليزي
موضوع عن النمر
information about tiger
حياة وصف حيوان باللغة الانجليزية انثى النمر بالانجليزي
صفات النمر العربي ماذا يأكل النمر اين يعيش النمر نمر فارسي

معلومات عن النمر بالانجليزي نمر هندي نمر آمور


Physical description
The tiger is the biggest of all felines. It has black vertical stripes on an orange fur. A male weighs 180 to 260 kg, while the tigress only weighs 130 to 160 kg. With a long tail that can go up to 1 meter, this animal can reach a height of 2.80 m. His legs are equipped with very sharp claws and his very long canines measure 7.5 cm.

His place of life
The tiger lives in the forests and in the grasslands of southern and eastern Asia. Tigers can be found in countries like China, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, Russia ...

His diet
The tiger is a carnivorous animal. Most of the time he eats herbivorous animals (which eat plants) such as moose, wild boar, buffaloes. The tigers, hidden near the ground, wait for the best moment to surprise their prey.

The reproduction
The tiger breeds at the end of autumn, at the beginning of winter, but also in spring. Tigers can mate several times a day. After 3 or 4 months of gestation, the female gives birth to tigreaux (and not tigers, babies of a tiger and a lioness). These little ones are blind for ten days after their birth.

His life expectancy
A tiger lives on average 16 years in the wild. But we can estimate its lifespan at age 25 when it is in captivity.

His shout
The tiger has a large repertoire of vocalizations that differ according to their uses: it burns, meows, rattles, hoarses, purrs, roars. The roars can be heard three kilometers apart. Unlike other cats, tigers only purr at expiration.

Particular signs
Each stripe of the tiger is unique and characterizes a specific individual. This stripe can be compared to our fingerprint.
The tiger is the most powerful of all cats thanks to its very muscular anterior shoulders.
It has strong jaws and teeth.

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