معلومات بحث موضوع تعبير فقرة تقرير  برزنتيشن  نص مقال تقرير بحث انشاء 
معلومات قصيرة  بسيطة  وصف بالانجليزي تعبير عن السلحفاة بالانجليزي زاحف من ذوات الدم البارد  السلحفاة باللغة الانجليزية موضوع عن السلاحف معلومات عن السلحفاة البحرية الفرق بين turtle و tortoise نطق الحيوانات بالانجليزي البرمائية البحرية و البرية 
نطق كلمة turtle معنى turtle موضوع عن السلحفاة اللـغة الانجـليـزيـة
ترجمة و معنى سلحفاة بالإنجليزي  صفات السلحفاة  تغذية السلحفاة  تكاثرالسلحفاة

 السلاحف  بالإنجليزية: Turtle 


Physical description
The turtle is a reptile whose main characteristic is that it has a carapace consisting of a breastplate on the belly and a shell on the top. Both are connected by two bone bridges on the sides of the body.

There are three main groups of turtles: terrestrial tortoises that live exclusively on the land, aquatic turtles that live in or near freshwater, and sea turtles found in the oceans.

In tortoises, the carapace is particularly heavy and can represent two thirds of the total weight of the animal. It serves both to protect against hazards, to keep it warm and to store calcium.

The turtles do not have ears visible outside, their ears are internal and located behind the eyes. They do not have teeth but rather a beak.

Tortoises can measure up to 1.30 meters long and weigh up to 300 kg, while sea turtles can measure up to 2 meters long for an observed record weight of 950 kg. As for aquatic turtles, they are quite small and hardly measure more than 50 cm.

His place of life
Turtles are present on all continents. In Europe, they are mainly present in the south, near the Mediterranean. They are found in oceans, swamps, savannahs, forests or grasslands. Some turtles live even in desert areas or in mountains.

His diet
Tortoises spend a lot of their time looking for food. They are essentially herbivores and eat what they find on their way: plants, insects, carrion, etc.
Aquatic turtles also spend a lot of time looking for food. They can be carnivorous, herbivorous or omnivorous. Carnivores usually eat carrion, rodents, fish, shellfish, and so on. Those that are mainly herbivores consume mostly semi-aquatic plants, algae and fruits. The omnivorous aquatic turtles consume both the elements that are part of the carnivorous turtle diet and the elements that are part of the regime of herbivorous turtles. Sea turtles use what they eat in the sea for their food. Depending on the species, they may include seaweed, fish, jellyfish and other marine foods.

His reproduction
Depending on the species, turtles lay their eggs once or several times a year.
For breeding, male and female turtles mate. The female lays eggs that she lays in the ground and does not brood them. A few weeks or months later, the young turtles break their shells and leave their eggs alone. They are already autonomous and are returning to their habitat.

His life expectancy
The life expectancy of turtles varies according to species. On average, tortoises live about 50 years and aquatic turtles about 40 years. Records of longevity have been recorded in giant turtles with 175 or even 250 years

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