أنواع المقابلات بالانجليزي
نموذج مقابلة شخصية بالانجليزي
نموذج مقابلة بالانجليزي
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اسئلة المقابلة الشخصية بالانجليزي واجابتها
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المقابلة الشخصية بالانجليزي
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اسئلة واجوبة مقابلة شخصية بالانجليزي
نموذج مقابلة بالانجليزي
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نموذج مقابلة شخصية بالانجليزي
اسئلة المقابلة الشخصية بالانجليزي للمعلمين
نموذج مقابلة شخصية

The different types of interviews
The classic interview
The first interview
The first interview often aims to make a first selection. The real test will only happen later in the process. During this interview, the interviewer wants to know more about your professional experience and get an idea of ​​you as a person. You introduce yourself and answer questions about your education and experience. This step is often called "biographical interview". The number of steps for this type of interview depends on one company to another. Generally, the interview is organized when there are many candidates for the same function and it is held at a selection office.
The second interview
If you are invited back after the first interview, then you will really go under the grill. Normally, the second interview is an in-depth interview, where your skills will be discussed. Company specialists are often present during this interview with HR employees.
There are four types of interviews:
• the background interview: it uses your technical, analytical or scientific knowledge. You may also be required to testify in the details of a fact or news. These interviews are part of surveys, reports or portraits;
• The interview Questions-Answers: It presents itself as a dialogue. The person interviewed was previously presented by the journalist. It may be a chapo in print or a few minutes in television. Unless it is a live one, this type of interview can be worked on and restructured, whether it is the print media, the radio or the television;
• the interview: its bases are the same as the interview Questions-Réponses with the difference that the time of speech of each one are more important;
• the portrait: we could assimilate it to an interview but this time it is from you that we speak in detail with more incursions in your universe (interview of friends, colleagues, parents).
• Types of interview
• In the current period, which begins in 1940-45, the use of the interview expands and intensifies. It has to meet more and more precise requirements, which entails an enormous methodological work; it will develop mainly in two main branches.
• On the one hand the extensive interview, on questionnaires, adapted to the mechanographic exploitation, bearing on representative samples of populations, and resulting in a statistical formulation of the results. In this sense, opinions are sought on large populations (social classes, age groups, inhabitants of a region or city, national population), which are of interest to large commercial and industrial firms, political parties, the media, the governments.
• On the other hand, the intensive interview, which aims to deepen the content of the communication. In this sense, the interest of large firms to know the unconscious movements of consumers and to respond with appropriate stimuli: this is the current of motivation studies. Also pushes in this direction the movement of refinement and deepening of the young social psychology; it is then that the "head-to-head" becomes the central element of the interview, and that what one could almost call the revolution, ie the development in the field of psychology social non-directive interview.
Between the two extreme tendencies of the interview, there is antagonism. On the one hand the open interview, to the limit without questions asked by the interviewer, on the other the closed interview, the limit in questionnaire to which it is enough to answer yes or no. On the one hand, ambiguous answers on the other, clear, simple answers. On the one hand, a long-term interview, even renewed until sufficient depth, on the other hand a quick questioning. On the one hand, the people involved, the interviewer and the interviewee are of paramount importance, as well as the psychoaffective nature of the interview; on the other hand, it is the answer, and not the person who has the primary importance. On the one hand, an extreme difficulty in interpreting the interview and in exploiting the results; on the other hand, the possibility of establishing a representative sample and statistically processing the results.
• So we see two extreme types of interview being opposed. One, in-depth and possibly non-directive, will be of clinical interest and will be part of any methodology based on the effectiveness of the clinical method, dealing with extreme or in-depth cases, and not with series and averages; it will likewise enter as an element, and sometimes a key element, into action techniques, if only because it solicits the active intervention of the interviewee. The other extreme type of interview will be based on a pre-established questionnaire, and will make it possible to work on large masses by sampling on a representative sample.
• These two extreme types may be in competition, ie the researcher will have to choose between the risk of superficiality (questionnaire) and the risk of interoperability (in-depth interview), between two types of error, between two types of truth.
• But each of these interview types is more or less appropriate for the purpose of the research. In addition, they can be combined; In-depth interviews prepare the questionnaires that will be used according to the opinion polls method and conversely, questionnaire surveys can be used to select topics for in-depth interviews.
• On the other hand, an intermediate range of interviews between the two extreme types has been formed, each one having its problematic and its own efficiency.
• Thus, we can distinguish:
• - Clinical interview, therapeutic in nature, the modality extended to all psycho-social situations.
• - The in-depth interview, a framework in which we can introduce the non-directive interview (Rogers) extended to the psycho-social field, but which is not limited to the non-directive method. The in-depth interview is used in motivational research but it can have multiple applications.
• - The interview centered (interview focus) where, after establishing the hypotheses on a specific topic, the interviewer conducts the interview quite freely so that the interviewee gives all his personal experience on the problem posed by maintenance.
• - The interview with free answers, where the investigator allows or causes the freedom of improvisation in the answers.
• - The open-ended interview, where the questions are written in advance and must be asked in a specific order; the investigator's freedom has become very limited, but the interviewee's freedom remains great in the context of the questions asked.
• - The interview with preformed answers, where various possibilities of answers are already formulated, offering to the interviewee the freedom to choose among various answers.
• - The closed-ended interview to which the interviewee answers yes or no, favorable or unfavorable

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