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حيوان الأسم العربي: شيطان تسمانيا الأسم الإنجليزي: Tasmanian devil الأسم العلمي: Sarcophilus harrisii عفريت تسمانيا أو شيطان يعيش في جزيرة تسمانيا الاسترالية حيوان لاحم يتواجد فقط في البر الأسترالي في جزيرة تسمانيا. ما هو الحيوان النادر الذي يتواجد فقط في ولاية تازمانيا حيوان استرالي منقرض

معلومات عن هذا الحيوان جزيرة تسمانيا حيوان لاحم جرابي من الأسرة Dasyuridae ،شيطان تسمانيا أو عفريت تسمانيا بالانجليزي حيوان ثايلسين الشائك المدلل المعيشة في تسمانيا


Physical description
The Tasmanian devil is recognizable by its black fur dotted with white spots on the chest, its large head and tail in the shape of a cylinder. The males measure about 65 cm and weigh on average 8 kg, while the females are 57 cm, for 6 kg. The front legs of this animal are slightly longer than its hind legs. On his mouth and on his head are long hairs called vibrisses that allow him to detect his prey in the dark, as well as other devils.

His place of life
This animal is found only in Tasmania, a small island in southern Australia. He lives in woods and forests.

His diet
The Tasmanian devil is carnivorous. It feeds on mammals that it captures and sometimes dead animals in decomposition. With his powerful jaw, he completely devours his prey, to the bones and skull. It also eats birds, fish, insects and reptiles.

His reproduction
Females reach sexual maturity at 2 years old. Mating takes place in March and gestation lasts 31 days. In the long run, a devil can have up to 30 cubs. They are born naked, blind and deaf. Their body will develop gradually. They stay in their mother's ventral pouch for about 3 months to feed on her nipple. It has no more than six nipples, there will be a fight between the small and only the strongest will survive, usually 3 or 4 of them. Once out of the ventral pocket, they enter the den for another 3 months, to be completely independent thereafter.

His life expectancy
The average life expectancy of the Tasmanian devil is 6 to 8 years.

The cry of the Tasmanian devil
The Tasmanian devil utters a loud, scary scream. It is also from this cry that comes the name of the devil.

Particular signs
When he is anxious, the Tasmanian devil gives off a strong smell, by way of intimidation.

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