تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز باللغة الانجليزي  كتابة انشاء عبارات حكم اقوال تعبير بالانجليزي عن. تقرير جاهز سهل بسيط قطعة معلومات بسيطة مبسط نبذة عن جمل عن اسم كلمة معنى كيف تكتب مترجم رحلة انجليزي
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ـ موضوع انجليزي عن ابدا موضوع تعبير بالانجليزي قصير كيفية كتابة موضوع تعبير باللغة الانجليزية توجيهي قواعد كتابة تعبير بالانجليزي طريقة سهلة لكتابة تعبير بالانجليزي
موضوع تعبير انجليزي يصلح لكل المواضيع كتابة تعبير بالانجليزي عن نفسك
كيفية كتابة paragraph باللغة الانجليزية كتابة تعبير بالانجليزي عن المستقبل
تعبير انجليزي يصلح لكل المواضيع موضوع انشاء شامل لكل المواضيع موضوع تعبير عربي يصلح لجميع المواضيع موضوع تعبير انجليزي جاهز برجراف ينفع لاى موضوع

ياسر عرفات وجائزة نوبل للسلام انجليزي
موضوع انجليزي عن ابو عمار
اسم عرفات بالانجليزي
رئيس فلسطين السابق
موضوع باللغة الانجليزية عن ياسر عرفات Yasser Arafat
موضوع تعبير عن يآسر عرفآت باللغة الانجليزية
موضوع عن ياسر عرفات (بالانجليزي)
نبذة عن حياة الراحل ياسر عرفات (ابو عمار)
موضوع بالانجليزي عن ياسر عرفات من هو ياسر عرفات جنازة ياسر عرفات في اي سنة وفاة ياسر عرفات حصار ياسر عرفات سقوط طائرة ياسر عرفات ياسر عرفات يهودي موقف ياسر عرفات من غزو الكويت

By cynically spinning the metaphor, we can say that Arafat is
dead as he lived, as a wandering Jew, far from the land of his ancestors

Childhood in Jerusalem and Cairo

Officially Yasser Arafat was born in Cairo on August 24, 1929. Sixth of a family of seven, his father is a merchant from Gaza and his mother is from Jerusalem. However, he always claimed to have been born in Jerusalem on August 4, 1929. After the death of his mother when he was five, he spent part of his childhood with his brother, Fathy, who later became president of the Crescent Palestinian red, in Jerusalem at one of his maternal uncles, in the Moroccan quarter of the old city. This district since was razed by Israel to realize the great esplanade which serves today as a place of prayer in front of the wall of lamentations. When his father gets married for the second time, he returns him to Cairo where his older sister takes care of him. As a native of Cairo, he enjoys free education in Egyptian schools, spending most of his childhood and adolescence with his six siblings, selling falafels at the souk.

in Jerusalem
Youth in Egypt

Already militant
I must understand my enemy, he said. For this he begins to read the texts of Zionist thinkers like Theodor Herzl and frequent Jewish sports clubs to study their mentality. His sister says that Yasser participated in all the demonstrations. I often had to run behind him and bring him home. She removes her pocket money to compel him to obey him but that does not prevent him from continuing his activities. At age 17, he participated in the transport to Palestine of weapons to be used against the British and Jews. He joined, without becoming a member, the brotherhood of the Muslim Brotherhood, which militates in favor of the Palestinian cause. At the age of 18, he dropped out of university and took part in the fighting on the Gaza Strip. During the defeat, he feels betrayed because the Arab countries each sign the armistice with Israel and disarm the Palestinian students who came to fight while 800,000 Palestinians take the road to exile. He understands that Palestinians can only rely on themselves and that they must be independent of Arab governments. He plans to move to the United States to study oil engineering at the University of Texas, but he is denied a visa. In 1949, at the age of twenty, he entered the engineering school of Cairo University, where he obtained a degree in civil engineering. Mohamed Ali Mosque in Cairo
Political struggle in Egypt
During his university studies, he followed a training of reserve officers. He does not miss his class once and obtains the certificate of reserve officer. From 1952 to 1956, he was president of the General Union of Palestinian Students. He edits the magazine The Voice of Palestine. Arafat's father died in 1952, but Yasser did not attend his funeral: the severity of the latter with his children, his repeated marriages and his deportation to Gaza actually helped to keep him away from his son. Yasser Arafat, who considers that the Egyptian monarchy is corrupt, is soon away from the Brothers to approach the free Egyptian officers, Naguib, Nasser, Sadat, who are secretly preparing the overthrow of the latter, and who come to power in July 1952. In October 1955, he was arrested for a few days during the liquidation by President Gamal Abdel Nasser of the organization of the Muslim Brotherhood who oppose its policy. During the crisis of the Suez Canal, he served in the Egyptian army with the rank of second lieutenant. He is gradually moving away from the Arab rulers he considers unable to liberate Palestine. He meets those who will found Fatah with him, and will become his PLO deputies.

From 1959 to 1970: In Kuwait and Jordan

Creation of Fatah
After several arrests for his political activities in Egypt, Yasser Arafat moved to the emirate of Kuwait, which at the time was a British protectorate and where many Palestinians settled. Arafat works there as a civil engineer at the Kuwait City Municipality, before setting up his own public works company. He decides that the profits generated by it will be used to finance the political organization he wants to create that he calls Fatah, the conquest. It adopts the name of war of Abu Ammar. This new party aims to establish a Palestinian state from the Mediterranean to the Jordan. It highlights the idea that the liberation of Palestine is above all the business of the Palestinians, and can not be entrusted to the Arab regimes or related to a problem of Arab unity. This doctrine is, in the time of Nasser and triumphant pan-Arabism, almost heretical. In 1959, he founded the newspaper Notre Palestine which advocates the armed struggle against Israel. Arafat, who seeks to give some legitimacy to his organization, contacts the Arab governments. In 1965, he opened an office in Algiers.
Creation of the PLO
In April 1964, in East Jerusalem then under Jordanian control, the Palestinian National Council meets at the Intercontinental Hotel, located at the top of the Mount of Olives and adopts the PLO Charter which defines the Palestinian nationalist objectives. A month later, the Arab League meets at the instigation of Nasser to create the Palestine Liberation Organization. This one aims to fight the Israeli state. His political branch is Fatah. As for his military arm, the Palestine Liberation Army, he is placed under the command of the various Arab armies under the authority of Nasser. The same year, Yasser Arafat met Pope Paul VI while the Vatican did not recognize the State of Israel yet. It was at the end of 1964 that the first military operations began. Until the Six Day War, the armed wing of Fatah leads a hundred raids
The Six Day War
It changes the geopolitical situation in the Middle East and is the true starting point of Yasser Arafat's career. Egypt, Syria and Jordan are defeated by Israel, which conquers East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, but also Egyptian Sinai and the Syrian Golan. On July 17, 1968, the PLO's charter was amended with the addition of seven new articles following the 1967 war and became the Palestinian National Charter, adopted in Cairo declaring the territory of Mandatory Palestine as indivisible and as the homeland of the Palestinian Arab people. This charter is considered by Israel as a true declaration of war, because it defines the purpose of the organization in the annihilation of the State of Israel by the armed struggle by denying it any legitimacy of existence.
Presidency of the PLO
On 4 February 1969, during the Palestinian National Congress, he was appointed Chairman of the PLO Executive Committee. A Fatah delegation is accepted in France, becoming the first non-Arab country to accept a permanent representation of the movement. The map of Palestine, in the Greek Orthodox Church of St. George in Jordan By bringing the PLO to the forefront, it brings the nature of the Palestinians' struggle to a more political level. The armed struggle against Israel was accepted by the Cairo agreements in 1969. At the dawn of the 1970s, the PLO he presides uses violence in his fight against Israel, hijacking planes, taking hostages , armed actions against civilians.
Black September in Jordan
Following the Six Day War, thousands of new refugees and Palestinian Federants have settled in Jordan. Now the Palestinian population of this country is larger than the ethnic Jordanians. The PLO moves its headquarters from Damascus to Amman. As a result of the growing prestige of the PLO, Palestinian fighters are beginning to raid the streets of Jordanian cities, causing clashes with Jordanian forces. Little by little, the country becomes the base of the Palestinian armed struggle, the Palestinian bases and camps become a state within the state. Following the hijacking of three planes by four Palestinians from the PFLP and their destruction on Jordanian soil in Zarqa, and especially the failed assassination attempt against him, King Hussein ordered, on September 17, 1970, the massacre of tens thousands of Palestinians, whether they are federated or civilians. This dramatic episode is known as Black September. Arafat and his followers must flee.

From 1970 to 1982: Establishment in Lebanon

The new charter defined in Beirut plans to attack Zionist interests around the world, and to raise the Lebanese base alongside the Palestinians. The refugee camps serve as military training bases, and the PLO begins artillery attacks and commando infiltrations against the northern border of Israel, or even terrorist actions abroad. The Lebanese army tried in 1969 to regain control of the camps, but it was too weak. A compromise is found with the signing in Cairo in 1969 under the aegis of Nasser, of an agreement between Yasser Arafat, commander of the PLO and the commander-in-chief of the army recognizing the extraterritoriality of the camps of the Federans.
Munich Olympic Games
In September 1972, eight Black September Palestinians enter the Olympic Village, shoot down two Israeli team members and kidnap nine Israeli athletes during the Munich Olympics. The Palestinian commando is demanding the release of 200 of their compatriots imprisoned in Israel. In a clumsy attempt to release the hostages by the German police, a shootout breaks out, and all the athletes are killed, by the hostage takers, but also by the snipers of the police. The international condemnation of the Black September group has resulted in the separation of Fatah from this organization. The commando leader who led the operation said in a book he published in 1999 that Arafat had been informed of the plans for the operation but added that the intention had never been to kill Israeli athletes . There is no evidence that Arafat was personally involved in the Black September group's actions, but could he stop them?
1974, an important year of progress towards a political settlement.
- On May 14, 1974, the UN recognized the PLO by 105 votes to 4 as the representative of the Palestinian people.
- On October 21, 1974 in Beirut, he met the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, who became the first Western diplomat to receive him.
- On November 13, 1974, Yasser Arafat made a speech to the United Nations General Assembly. He defines Zionism as a racist, imperialist and colonialist ideology, justifies the Palestinian cause by comparing it to the nationalist struggles of other peoples of the world, and defends the idea of ​​a single democratic state in which Christians live. Jews and Muslims.
- On 22 November 1974, the PLO is admitted as an observer member of the United Nations, making Arafat the first representative of a non-governmental organization to participate in a plenary session of the United Nations General Assembly .
- On October 26, 1976, at the 8th Arab Summit in Rabat, the Arab heads of state admitted the PLO as a full member of the Arab League. This resolution also implies the obligation of all Arab countries to preserve Palestinian unity and to refrain from any interference in Palestinian affairs. A cedar from Lebanon
Palestinian Activism and Israeli Interventions in Lebanon
From 1975, civil war rages in Lebanon, between Christians and Muslims but also between Lebanese and Palestinians while Syrian military forces enter the country. An Arab Deterrent Force is set up. Palestinian attacks against Israeli territory are being organized from Lebanon. Israel expects its neighbor to provide security by controlling Palestinian activity in its territory, but the country is too weak to solve the problem. It is in this context that Israel intervenes twice in the country of cedar: in 1978 and more broadly, in 1982, in the operation Peace in Galilee. Arafat calls in the media to ask for help from Arab countries that are not moving. Even Syria, with which it has drafted an emergency plan in the event of an Israeli invasion, signs a unilateral truce with Israel, which occupies southern Lebanon at the end of the operation. During this second intervention, more than 3,000 Palestinian civilians are slaughtered in Sabra and Shatila refugee camps by Christian militias with the passivity of Ariel Sharon, then Israeli Defense Minister, and IDF, who controls the Palestinians. camps.

From 1982 to 1994: Establishment in Tunis

In 1982, in the midst of the Lebanon war, Arafat escaped death by leaving, fifteen minutes before the explosion of an Israeli bomb, a building where he held a meeting. He is forced to leave Beirut, besieged by the Israeli army, on August 30, 1982, aboard a French military ship for Tunisia. He sets up his headquarters in the city of Borj Cedria near Tunis where he lives constantly on his guard. He never sleeps more than one night in the same place. He accepts the dispersion of his fighting forces. Arafat avoids death on October 1, 1985, when an Israeli fighter F15 bombs the headquarters of the PLO in Tunis where a meeting was to be held between the leaders of the movement, meeting to which Arafat arrives late. On 7 October, an Italian cruise ship, the Achille Lauro, is hijacked by four PLO members. On 28 December 1985, other Palestinian commandos attacked El Al airfields at Rome and Vienna airports, killing 15 civilians. Despite the renunciation of PLO terrorism in November 1985 in Cairo, the organization is involved in more than 100 acts over the next two years. In 1988, the first Intifada, or rebellion of stones, broke out in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. At the same time, the PLO recognizes UN Resolution 181 of 1947, which divides Palestine into two states, one Jewish, the other Arab, de facto recognizing the existence of the Israeli state, and reaffirms its condemnation of terrorism. In 1989, the 5th congress of Fatah will be held in Tunis in 30 years of existence, it will be necessary to wait 20 years for the 6 th in Bethlehem.
Diplomatic opening
Yasser Arafat then engages in a diplomatic approach. On 13 December 1988, before the United Nations General Assembly in Geneva, he called for a peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict on the basis of resolutions 181, 242 and 338 and recalled the rejection by the Palestinian National Council and by the PLO of any form of terrorism. He said the following day at a press conference that the PLO recognized resolution 242, Israel's right to exist, and renounced terrorism. US President Ronald Reagan ends the thirteen-year ban on talks with the PLO by formalizing the opening of the dialogue with the organization. Arafat meets Pope John Paul II at the Vatican on December 23, 1988, and displays, for example, his devotion to Our Lord Jesus Christ, a Palestinian since born in Bethlehem, which is a Hebrew word meaning house of bread, to the satisfaction of the Palestinian Christian minority. From that time, he attends all the Christmas Masses in Bethlehem, except when access is A wedding in Palestine banned by Israel at the end of his life. On May 2, 1989, on an official visit, for the first time in Paris, Arafat declared the PLO's charter null and void, declaring that the armed struggle was the only way for the liberation of Palestine. This is the condition that had put François Mitterrand to agree to meet the leader of the PLO. On December 22, 1989, more than sixty US senators sent a letter to Secretary of State James Baker opposing Arafat's entry visa to United Nations headquarters in the United States.
Arafat marries his secretary, Souha Tawil, 34 years younger, July 17, 1990. His relatives do not appreciate this union they find incongruous. He wished to keep the marriage secret because it coincided with the Gulf War and the first intifada and he was worried about the consequences that could result. They have a daughter Zahwa, born in Paris on July 2, 1995. Since the beginning of the second Intifada, in 2000, both live in Paris.
The alliance with Saddam Hussein
In 1989, the disintegration of the Soviet Union led to a redistribution of diplomatic alliances that marginalized Arafat on the international scene. In addition, the Russian government allows the emigration to Israel of several hundred thousand of its citizens of Jewish origin. Seeking a way out of his isolation, Yasser Arafat allies with Saddam Hussein, and does not condemn Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990, which is perceived as treason by Kuwait, where a community of 300,000 Palestinians lives. . Several states, such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, are withdrawing their financial support. This alliance is worth to Yasser Arafat, the resentment and anger of oil monarchies and Americans. It is paradoxically saved by the new Israeli government, where the left came to power in 1992 with Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres.
Plane crash
In 1992, Arafat escaped death when his plane, an Antonov 26, crashed in Libya as he made the Khartoum tripoli link. The two pilots of the plane of the Palestinian leader and an engineer are dead and Arafat suffers some bruises.

From 1994 to 2004: The return to Palestine

Oslo Process
While the peace process begun at the 1991 Madrid Conference was unsuccessful, secret negotiations are taking place in Oslo between PLO members and the Israeli government. On September 13, 1993, the so-called Oslo Declaration of Principles was signed at the White House under the aegis of President Bill Clinton. The world is holding back the historic handshake between Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat. He was invited by the European Parliament in December 1993 and insisted on the role that the European Union should play in the peace process. In a letter to Yitzhak Rabin on September 9, 1993, Arafat said: The PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to live in peace and security. Thus, the PLO renounces the use of terrorism and other acts of violence. In 1994, Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts for peace in this region.
Arafat in power
An olive tree Yasser Arafat settles in Gaza from July 1994 and receives a triumphal welcome. The so-called Oslo II agreement, concluded in September 1995, allows general elections to be held in January 1996. Arafat is elected under the control of international observers, with 87.1% of the vote cast, the new Palestinian Authority's president. On November 4, 1995, Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by an extremist Jew at a peace assembly in Tel Aviv. Arafat is advised not to attend the funeral so as not to suffer the same fate. On 19 November, the Israeli army withdraws from Jenin. This is the first Israeli withdrawal and the autonomy is extended. After the assassination of Yahia Ayache, the Hamas artificer, by Shin Beth Hamas responds with four suicide bombings of more than 60 Israeli victims. On 21 April 1996, the 21st Palestinian National Council amended the articles of the Palestinian National Charter denying the existence of the State of Israel. In the following years, the Palestinian economy grew at a rate of 9.28 percent a year, according to an IMF report, and investments by 150 percent, making it one of the fastest rates of development in the world. world during this period, but the peace process hangs.
Relationship with Hamas
On the Palestinian scene, Arafat has a bad relationship with Hamas and has arrested many supporters. Since its creation in 1987, Hamas has rejected cooperation with the PLO and, on several occasions, its activists have come face-to-face with those of Yasser Arafat. When Arafat declares the end of the armed struggle against Israel on April 24, 1996, there are voices against his decision and relations with Hamas are still deteriorating. The Palestinian Authority is arresting seven people who were to assassinate him, and Arafat is arresting Ahmed Yassin, Hamas's spiritual leader. However, during his assassination by Israel on March 22, 2004, Yasser Arafat will denounce the assassination of Ahmed Yassin as a barbaric crime and decree three days of mourning in the Palestinian territories.
Camp David Summit
In July 2000, the Camp David summit between Yasser Arafat and Ehud Barak failed. In the United States as in Israel, failure is largely attributed to Yasser Arafat. An olive tree
Second Intifada, Taba Failure and Election of Ariel Sharon
The second Intifada begins in September 2000, following the failure of the Israeli-Palestinian talks and Ariel Sharon's visit to the Mosques Esplanade, which is experienced by the Palestinians as a provocation. Arafat decides to join the Intifada by broadcasting a call in which he urges the Palestinians to rise up against the Israeli usurper. But it is Marouan Barghouti, who directs this second intifada. In a report on this issue, Human Rights Watch claims that it has not found any evidence that Yasser Arafat or the Palestinian Authority ever participated in the implementation of the attacks, but points out that it did not do enough to prosecute the attacks. the organizers and did not take any preventive measures. Also Kenneth Roath, executive director of Human Rights Watch, says that Arafat and the Palestinian Authority carry a high degree of political responsibility for the atrocities that have occurred. According to official Israeli sources, 506 people were killed in suicide bombings between 2000 and 2004, and they accuse Palestinian leaders of doing nothing to stop suicide bombers or even to encourage them. Peace negotiations were urgently initiated in January 2001 during the Taba Summit in Egypt. They do not succeed on the eve of early elections in Israel. According to al-Jazeera, Arafat also rejects the proposals of US President Bill Clinton to give up the right of return of Palestinian refugees in exchange for the status of Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine and Israel. According to one of his bodyguards, Arafat told Clinton that if he accepted the offer, he would be killed by the hands of his own people. Arab figures such as Egyptian President Mubarak urge Arafat to accept the offer, but he replies that this is impossible. The Taba talks are halted on January 27, 2001, after six days of intense negotiations. In February 2001, Ariel Sharon was elected Prime Minister while in the United States, George W. Bush was elected President.
The confinement to the Mouqata'a
September 11, 2001 is the terrorist attacks in the United States. At the same time, Yasser Arafat concludes a truce with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Considered to be responsible for triggering the second intifada and suicide bombings by the Israeli government, boycotted by the US government, Yasser Arafat will spend the last years of his life locked in the Muqata'a, his headquarters in Ramallah, surrounded by Israeli forces. Forbidden to travel both in Palestine and abroad, he will lose all control over the events, while keeping control of the Palestinian Authority and the PLO. For Israeli and American officials, the president of the Palestinian Authority is no longer a valid interlocutor. Bush describes Sharon as a man of peace and demonizes Arafat, and calls on Palestinians to elect new leaders. Ariel Sharon launches a series of large-scale retaliation with the agreement of George W. Bush. The European Union demands from Yasser Arafat a categorical denunciation in Arabic of terrorism, which he does on December 16, 2001. Under the reforms demanded by Israel and the United States, Yasser Arafat must resign himself, in February 2003 , to appoint a prime minister who will be Mahmoud Abbas. Following a power conflict with Yasser Arafat over the issue of control of the security forces, Mahmoud Abbas resigned on 7 September 2003. Ahmed Qurei was then appointed in his place. It was also in 2003 that members of the Sharon government went so far as to publicly propose to eliminate Arafat. The very strong reaction of the international community forces the Sharon government to give up. In the process, Sharon confirms that if Arafat leaves Ramallah and the autonomous territories to go abroad, he will not be allowed to return.

In 2004 death in Paris

The tomb of Yasser Arafat in Ramallah
In October 2004, Arafat complained of stomach pain and vomiting. On October 29, 2004, seriously ill, Yasser Arafat left Ramallah to join Jordan, from where he went to France, on a medical plane. He is hospitalized in the army training hospital Percy Clamart near Paris. He died on November 11, 2004. Many sources mention the hypothesis of poisoning. Mahmoud Abbas is appointed head of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Farouk Kaddoumi is elected leader of Fatah, and Ahmed Qurei remains in office as head of government. After an official tribute to the Villacoublay military aerodrome in the presence of French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin and an official ceremony in Cairo, in the presence of many foreign political representatives, Yasser Arafat is buried on November 12 in the Mouqata'a, its last headquarters in Ramallah, in the West Bank, the Israeli government having refused to have him buried in Jerusalem. Yasser Arafat had repeatedly expressed the wish to be buried there. A large crowd is present to welcome his remains on his return from Egypt. The Palestinian presidential election of 2005 takes place on January 9 following the death of Arafat and designates Mahmoud Abbas as the new president of the Palestinian Authority.

Contestation of power and corruption

Arafat has had to face many charges of corruption and violation of democratic rules and figures are circulating on diverted amounts to a personal account that without any evidence and while he has always lived sparingly. But it is through corruption that he silences all opposition attempts and consolidates his leadership. According to Amnesty International, political prisoners are often tortured, with its approval. Bassam Eid, a Palestinian journalist and director of the Palestinian Human Rights Monitor Group, confirms that he is behind every act of his security services. Critics do not come only from opponents of a Palestinian state. For example, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights accuses the Palestinian Authority of making political arrests of Islamist militants.Yasser Arafat is accused of embezzling the benefit of his organization hundreds of millions of dollars that were intended for the Palestinian people, and a financial conflict of interest on moneys lost persisted between his wife lives in Paris and in Gammarth Tunisia and the PLO. The issue is even more complex in the absence of Palestinian state, amounts to the Palestinian people could not be collected on the PLO accounts that is the sole judge of spending. Arafat was also accused of financing Palestinian terrorism and to use international aid to buy weapons. For its part, the EU has investigated the allegations of misuse of his aides by the Palestinian Authority. The Anti-Fraud Office of the European Union has concluded that there is no evidence that aid was diverted to finance illegal activities. But she added that the EU is convinced that the Authority must reform its financial institutions to fight against corruption and embezzlement.

Although often criticized for its strategic choices and unilateral decisions,
Yasser Arafat remains a historical symbol because he dedicated his life to the Palestinian cause.

The mayor of Beit Leed under Yasser Arafat's portrait
I went to France for the first time in the fifties, when I was still an engineer. I was on holiday and I visited Paris, the Riviera and Marseille. It is said that the name comes from an Arabic word Marsa Elia, meaning the port of Elijah. But my first contact with politics in France was with General de Gaulle in 1969, through the Knights of Malta, he answers a question Amnon Kapeliouk. Yasser Arafat, who has always professed a great admiration for the general, defeated the collar of his shirt to show a small medal he always wears, hanging from a gold chain around his neck. It is a small Lorraine cross in a circle. It was de Gaulle who sent it to me at my request, accompanied by the call of June 18, he said. She never leaves me, as the medal of Jerusalem. Subsequently, remembers he still, I met François Mitterrand in Egypt. This happened in Al Ahram newspaper. This is the editor of this newspaper, Mouhamad Hassanein Haikal, who organized the meeting. That was before he was president, but I saw him often.
When asked what Yasser Arafat is the most important decision he
has ever had to make in his life, the answer comes without hesitation:
This was signed in 1993, the peace of the brave with my partner, my friend Yitzhak Rabin. This was an important decision not only for the Israeli people and the Palestinian people, but for the entire region and for the whole world because it is the only way to end the conflict.

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