فقرة  برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص   جاهز باللغة الانجليزية  انشاء
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التضامن بالانجليزي
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 التضامن والتكافل بالانجليزي مفهوم التكافل

معنى التكافل الاجتماعي

Solidarity is a fraternal bond, an important value that unites the destiny of all men. It is a humanist approach that allows us to realize that we all belong to the same community, regardless of our origins, culture or religion.
Every December 20 for 10 years, we celebrate the International Day of Solidarity. Show solidarity can be a source of well-being and personal fulfillment, if it is promised! I will show you in this article how solidarity can boost your mind.

What is solidarity?

Before seeing the many benefits that solidarity can bring you, it is important to understand what we are talking about. We can attribute many synonyms to solidarity: fraternity, sharing, help, mutuality, cohesion, cooperation ... Solidarity is therefore a feeling that drives us to help and support each other.

The gestures of solidarity can be done in everyday life, with our relatives, our friends, our colleagues, our family ... but also with unknown people, just because it feels good to help without nothing to wait in return. Solidarity is also: supporting causes that are important to us, helping people in need, everything that can touch us and make us want to go beyond ourselves for others. If you think that solidarity requires giving or doing extraordinary things, then think again, there is no more or less important solidarity because every small gesture, every solidarity attention is important in itself as much for the person who gives, than for the one who receives.

How solidarity boosts our well-being?

She develops self-esteem

Self-esteem is the image and the love that one has of oneself. Many people who have not received enough attention and affection from children may lack self-esteem. This lack leads to a constant search for comfort from others to the detriment of one's own needs. By showing solidarity, we improve this image of ourselves which allows us to regain control over negative emotions. Solidarity is therefore one of the keys to well-being and happiness, it allows you to feel good about yourself and to be confident in all circumstances.

It diminishes loneliness

Solidarity quickly creates a deep bond that unites people with each other. A glance, a short discussion, or a helping hand is enough for the feeling of belonging to a group to be reactivated. A collective feeling where we understand each other and where sharing develops the happiness of being together.

She makes you happy

Remember the emotions and feelings you felt the last time you helped someone? If being supportive is to make others happy then know that it also makes happy the one who helps. Receiving a smile, a thank you, gratitude, it warms our heart and brings us pleasure. We are proud to have achieved something that has helped and made another person happy.

It reduces stress

Sometimes stress influences relationships with others and causes some people to isolate themselves. This isolation, added to daily pressures, increases the level of stress and anxiety, releasing the stress hormones noradrenaline that causes many diseases. Opening oneself to others, going out, and helping those in need allows one to reconnect with the reality of the world beyond oneself. In this way, this delicious blend of solidarity, such as self-esteem, happiness and joy, directly affects the decline of our stress level.

At the end of this year, it would be a pleasure for us to share with you your most beautiful experiences of solidarity!

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