citadel of Kerak, which one discovers, majestic, arriving from the north by the
road of the King, extends on some 220 meters for a width varying from 125 (on
the slope facing the city) to 40 meters with level of the Mamluk slum.
northern front of the castle, precisely the one facing the city, consists of a
gigantic shield wall, a franc inheritance composed of dark brown stones hardly
scraped (one recognizes easily the frank work on all the circumference of the
castle, these the last ones having used this famous brown stone of an extreme
hardness, typical of the region of Kerak).
wall is itself defended by an impressive ditch, formerly about thirty meters
deep. At the time of the Franks, the entrance was on this side by the left postern
(opposite the current entrance) built so that any defender finding refuge in
the citadel exposes his left and therefore, his shield. Its narrowness makes
the knight Yvain's weapon reported in the chronicles plausible.
against the shield wall, there are two levels of vaulted galleries, obviously
Frankish, the lower level serving originally stable. At the bottom of the
gallery, a carved stone recalls the occupation of the site by the Nabataeans.
western front of the castle consists of luminous walls of Mamluk style, very
impressive when one follows them by the path of goats bordering the ravine. We
arrive at the monumental entry Mamluk - today condemned - whose arch rises to
almost 12 meters in height. From the top of the ramparts, the view of the Wadi
Karak is magnificent and looks like it is on clear days to the Mount of Olives.
front is home to various towers reflecting the extension work carried out after
the Frankish period. Other works, contemporary ones, disfigure each year a little
more the wonderful glacis franc which was the charm of the castle a few decades
ago ...
to evoke the most confusing element of the fortress: the Mamluk slum south of
the site. True dungeon-spur built by Baïbars in 1264, it is really a shield shield
on four levels defending the most exposed place of the site, namely the slope
facing the hill Umm at-Thalleja - the mother snow - which slightly overhangs
the castle, constituting an ideal artillery position. Below this book, there is
a ditch dug by the Crusaders - a road now passes in bed - and a berquil - also
Frankish bill, it will recognize the typical size of the stones used - large
open-air pool to collect rainwater in peacetime and to keep away the enemy
sappers in wartime ...
of the twelfth century attest that the lord of Kerak had his own chapel, which
could accommodate a large part of the garrison. The chapel and the adjoining
sacristy are now largely ruined, although some vaults are still standing.
there is a vast and complicated system of underground galleries running through
the site, notably through a corridor linking the north to the south, at the end
of which we reach the apartments of Renaud de Châtillon ...
city of Kerak is built on a triangular plateau - one of the corners ends with
the castle - bordered on the west by the Wadi Kerak, which feeds the Dead Sea,
and south by the modern village of 'al-Smahabiyye, still called al-Franj a
short time ago. The Mamluk imprint is undeniable, the latter wanting to make
Kerak an impregnable city against the Mongol invader.
are impressive towers, some of which still bear the names of the families who
were guarding it: Burj al-Banawi overlooked by the heraldic panthers of
Baïbars, burj al-Sa'ub, a real small fortress. on the eastern front, or the
so-called "Baïbars" tower, in fact, an umpteenth shield wall. The
entry into the city was made in the Mamluk era by two underground
extruded into the rock. These last ones, always visible although bites, are located,
first in the street Salah ad-Din (street that one borrows to circumvent the
city arriving from the north) the other near the tower of Baïbars.
معلومات عن قلعة الكرك بالانجليزي
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يصلح لكل المواضيع موضوع انشاء شامل لكل المواضيع موضوع يصلح لجميع المواضيع موضوع
تعبير انجليزي جاهز برجراف ينفع لاى موضوع
موضوع انجليزي عن الماء قصير وسهل فوائد بالانجليزي عبارات بالانجليزي طويل اهمية مترجم ثالث ثانوي اول ثاني
ثانوي متوسط خمس سبع ثمان تسع اربع جمل كلمات كلام مقال علمي مقدمة بحث انجليزي حلول
اسباب حل مشكلة طويل شعر وصف قدوتي في الحياه انشودة نشيد كلام جميل حالات واتساب 2018 كلام
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