موضوع عن الامن والسلامة بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الامن والسلامة بالانجليزي
بحث عن الامن والسلامة بالانجليزي
تقرير عن الامن والسلامة بالانجليزي
A recurring question: "Are not these exercises dangerous, these modules too high? "Zero risk, of course, does not exist, but this aspect of the problem requires our full attention: many protective mats are used, the salient places are protected, the nodes checked; the height of some modules must be age-appropriate; we avoid the formation of files under suspended fixtures, ... A person is responsible for controlling all constructions in terms of security after assembly and before the start of the session. This same person keeps this responsibility during the entire session to prevent as much as possible the risks specific to this type of organization. 
In addition to physical security, there is also emotional security. A child is never forced to do anything. Everyone is stimulated and receives help where it is needed. Children will slowly but surely overcome their limits. But this evolution through falls and straightening is one of the factors of learning and should not be underestimated. Security is one of the pillars of trust and trust is essential to any form of learning.
The concept of security was not discovered during the advent of the industrial age. He was inscribed in the character of man from the beginning of humanity. Thus homo sapiens had the reflex to move away from the fire because experience had taught him that it was dangerous for him. So he had a safety reflex. But what is security?
According to "Petit Larousse", security is a situation where there is no danger to be feared. This general definition, based on the principle of zero risk, is not adapted to human activities (food, transportation, daily life, leisure, etc.) where we talk about acceptable risk. Referring to industry and, more specifically, to the operation of processes, safety can be defined as the ability of a system to operate by controlling, to an acceptable level, the risks to people, property and the environment. environment.
This introduction deals in particular with different points that will be developed in specialized articles. They are rich in recommendations and tools that have been proven. Let's not forget the key factor for success in safety: all of these methods, tools, and recommendations will only be effective if everyone, at every level of the company, is personally involved in these actions.
May the reading of these articles convince the reader of the paramount importance of giving security and enabling it to contribute effectively to improving the overall performance of its business.