موضوع عن الحب بالانجليزي قصير
كلمات حب بالانجليزي قصيرة جدا
كلام حب طويل
عبارات حب بالانجليزي 
اشتياق موضوع عن الحب
اسماء الحب بالانجليزي

Live life as if you were in love
Every day, the news warns of the political and economic crisis, new cases of domestic violence, harassment and abuse between teenagers, social scandals ... If, despite this, you get up, you have lunch, you dress and with a fresh determination you go out into the street with the armor of optimism, looking at everything with child's eyes, enjoying the emotions and enjoying life and people, you can be grateful . Because you can love. Living life as if you were in love is the best option.

Choosing to be in love-does not take away common sense from our lives, nor does it mean leaving your brain behind. Love is an option from which one can see life in a perfect, exciting, complete and wonderful way. And we can also learn to love; with love, we can see everything differently.

Love seen by psychology
Love is an emotion, it is the affection or the tenderness that we feel for something or someone. But love can have many faces. It can also be an agent that changes behavior, brings action or change, for anyone who feels and cares for it.

According to Robert Sternberg's psychology and triangular theory of love, love has three fundamental components: intimacy, passion, and commitment.

The intimacy included in a relationship, like the group of feelings that encourage proximity, connection, connection ... sharing pleasant moments, telling secrets, giving oneself gifts ... would be linked to friendship within a couple.
Passion is an intense state of desire or union with the other person, as an expression of sexual or romantic needs accompanied by psychological excitement.
Commitment, as a decision to love the other person, with the firm intention of keeping that love. It involves maintaining the relationship, in both good and bad times.
Types of interpersonal love according to Sternberg
According to this author, according to these 3 characteristics and their combinations arise 7 types of love:

Love life
You can feel love for your friends, your family, your half ... and, why not, for life.

Erich Fromm, psychoanalyst, social psychologist and philosopher, treated the subject of love in one of his works, The Art of Love, and he establishes in it the relation between doctrine and life, in arguing that the latter is to be reborn continually and reflecting on this point to love life.

The tragedy, he says, is that most people die before they begin to live. Fromm's work consists in philosophizing on the basis of concrete facts, accepting the limitations of abstract thought and renouncing all types of messianic attitudes. Based on the mechanisms of the Jewish oral tradition, this work, full of acute and profound reflections, reveals the author's particular talent for exposing questions that seemed confused and surprising us with his intuitions and his always stimulating explanations.

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