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Novel published in 1862 by Victor Hugo in 1862 while he was in exile to flee the Second Empire in the Channel Islands.


Book One: A Fair

1815, M. Charles François Bienvenu is bishop at Dignes. He lives with his sister, Miss Baptistine, and his old servant, Madame Magloire. We are under the Restoration, Louis XVIII reigns (after the fall of Napoleon in 1814).

Bishop Bienvenu visits a dying revolutionary who is living in the mountains. Together, they evoke the Revolution.

Book Two: The Fall

One evening, Jean Valjean, a man who has just been released from prison and who is hunted by all, knocks on the bishop's door to seek refuge. His appearance is scary but he is still invited to stay for dinner.

Jean Valjean is from Brie and was a pruner (tree cutter). He was sentenced to prison for stealing bread from a baker while he wanted to feed his sister and her children who lived in terrible poverty after a harder winter than usual, which deprived them of work. . He is locked up in the prison of Toulon and bears the number 24601. He can not hear from his sister and his seven nephews and nieces. When he can escape, he does it but is taken back every time. When he arrives at the bishop's, he has just spent 19 years in forced labor and he is deeply transformed: he no longer has the same character and he has learned to read and write. He feels hatred for this society that has condemned him. He goes to war against this one.

After spending the night in a comfortable bed Jean Valjean wakes up early and can not help but think about the silverware of the bishop. He gets up, goes to the place where it is stored, in an unlocked cabinet, steals it, then runs away.

Mrs. Magloire indicates that the basket of cutlery has disappeared, but the bishop sees no harm in it. A little later, the gendarmes arrive with Jean Valjean and what he stole, but the bishop tells them that it is not a theft but a gift. He told the gendarmes to withdraw. He then tells the former convict that the money from the sale of cutlery must serve him to become "an honest man."

Jean Valjean leaves by the mountain. On his way, he meets a young boy, Petit-Gervais, who drops a piece on the floor. The old convict steals this coin and refuses to return it. He is then assailed by a strong sense of guilt.

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