تعبير بالانجليزي عن العمل
قد يطلب منكم كتابة موضوع عن برجراف عن الوظيفه, تعبير بالانجليزي عن العمل, برجراف عن العمل, تعبير عن تقديم وظيفه بالانجليزي ثاني ثانوي , براجراف عن العمل, برجراف عن الوظيفة التي ترغب في القيام به في المستقبل , برجراف عن الوظيفة بالانجليزي, مقال عن التكنولوجيا بالانجليزي , براجراف عن الوظيفه, تعبير بالانجليزي عن وظيفة المستقبل قصير
At the end of the philosophical tale of the Voltaire, Candide realizes the importance of work for man. according to the old Turk, work takes away from us three great evils: boredom, vice and want. So how is work indispensable to man?
Work is a necessity for man
To work is to act to ensure one's survival and comfort in material and intellectual terms. Comfort requires more work than survival, but it is more satisfying. Ensuring one's material survival means being able to eat, dress, shelter and heal. To insure his material comfort is to be able to choose and improve his material conditions of life. Ensuring one's intellectual needs is learning to speak, read, write and count. But it is also cultivating, distracting, reasoning, etc.
Men can not subsist without working. Indeed, nature can not give man everything he needs. True, nature offers resources. But you still have to do some work to get them and transform them. Food does not come alone in the mouth, and clothes are not all made in nature. Work is therefore essential to everyone's life, regardless of their standard of living.
Every man has the duty to work. Charity, which is the law of sharing, should not encourage laziness. A valid man does not have the right to depend on the work of others. Everyone must rely on their own resources and skills to meet their needs. Everyone must be able to contribute and share the fruits of their work with others.
The work is rewarding for the man
Work enables man to play a role in society. The result of his work has a value recognized by his fellow men. The man surrenders and feels useful. He is a player in the economic and social life. It acquires a meaning in the eyes of others.
The work brings respect to others. A man who works and produces does not bow to his fellow man to beg for alms. He is taken into consideration by his fellows. The one who works can assume his responsibilities in ensuring his survival and that of his family. And he gains esteem around him when the work is done well.
Do the job you love
Find the job that's right for you, and you'll be happy. Do not be fooled by work that is exhausting and time consuming. Do the work that you like and in which you can give the best of yourself, totally invest intelligence and energy.
Put some love in your work. A job will be well done if conditioned by the love to do it. And he will be blessed if he is made with the intention of helping the survival and the blossoming of the family.
But it's not just work in life. After your work, organize recreation to give you pleasure, recover strength, maintain your health. Work and leisure are both essential for a good balance of life.
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