برجراف عن العمل

نقدم لكم هذا الموضوع عن برجراف عن العمل الجاد
برجراف عن العمل الخيري
برجراف عن العمل باللغة الانجليزية
برجراف عن العمل الحر
برجراف عن العمل الجماعي
برجراف عن العمل التطوعي
برجراف عن العمل الخيري بالانجليزي
برجراف عن العمل الجماعي مترجم
برجراف عن العمل المفضل
برجراف عن العمل الجاد مترجم

Work refers to the physical or intellectual effort that must be made to do something or achieve a desired result.

Some of the different meanings of the word work:

As a paid occupation, work is synonymous with employment. The term work can also be applied to unpaid activities (eg domestic work, as part of the family)
In economics, work is one of the factors of production, with capital and land. Provided by employees in exchange for a salary, it is organized and directed towards the realization of goods or services.
Work is one of the elements of belonging of an individual to society. But depending on the point of view, it is perceived as a moral and social duty or, conversely, as exploitation and alienation.

Without doubt many of us wish we did not have to work, the work
tends to appear to us as an unpleasant and painful social constraint. More,
No one can deny that the good citizen is none other than the one who is useful within
of the society in which he lives. And to do this, there are many tasks that he has to
to assume, among other things, the work which is of crucial importance, especially
Work takes away from us three evils: boredom, need and vice.

    Starting with the last evil, vice. Indeed, it is simply the lack
activity, which is at the root of many bad habits. A
little investigation in the area of ​​young people who smoke or take drugs, for example,
reveals that it is those who have no work or who do not perform any activity that
are victims.

In addition, it is by working that the person is safe from need. Work
allows us to earn a living, to support ourselves and our families
and our loved ones. As a result, even a minimal degree of independence is ensured.

On the other hand, work keeps us away from boredom, which is the logical consequence of the lack of
activity. The boredom that is a psychic torture is concealed in front of the physical activity or
thus enabling the mind to develop soundly.

    In my opinion, all in all the importance of the work, whatever it is, is not to prove any more. It's the one and only
remedy to combat boredom, need, vice, and enemies of the progress of any society.

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