برجراف عن وجبة كبيرة بالانجليزي

تعبير عن food بالانجليزي قصير

تعبير عن وجبة الغداء بالانجليزي

تعبير عن الطعام المفضل بالعربي

برجراف عن الطعام المصري بالانجليزي

تعبير عن fast food بالانجليزي قصير

تعبير انجليزي عن وصفه اكل

موضوع انجليزي عن الاكل الصحي

تعبير عن البيتزا بالانجليزي مترجم



Egypt has its own traditional cuisine as you will see by tasting its unique dishes and pastries. As in any other Muslim country, pork is not eaten in most households. The Egyptians prefer to eat chicken or lamb.


If you are traveling to Egypt, do not just settle for the pyramids, also try to discover the tasty Egyptian cuisine. Here are some of the best local foods:






Kochari is a traditional Egyptian dish that delights the taste buds as much as it fills the stomach. However, those who see and taste this dish for the first time may find the combination of ingredients a little curious: the kochari is indeed composed of pasta, rice, chickpeas, lentils, onions and garlic. . It is also garnished with a tomato sauce and a red pepper sauce.


Kochari can be bought almost anywhere in Egypt, you can even find small cafes that serve it.


Kahk bi Loz




Kakh bi loz, or almond bracelets, are very popular in Egyptian wedding and engagement receptions. The almond sweets and pastries, especially the kakh bi loz are distributed among the guests as the bride receives love testimonials from her family. This tradition is still practiced in rural areas of Egypt.


Kahk bi loz are made by mixing almonds, sugar, eggs and orange blossom water. The pastries should then be shaped into small rings, so that they look like bracelets.






Egyptians adore tea, and one of their favorite teas since ancient times is none other than karkade, or hibiscus tea. You will find this bright red drink in most coffee shops in Egypt.


The tea is prepared with the dark red petals of the hibiscus flowers. It is brewed like any other tea.


While the Egyptians used the petals of hibiscus flowers to produce their karkade, other parts of the plant are edible and used in other recipes and in other countries.


Falafel / Tamiya



Healthy Vegetarian Falafel Pita with Rice and Salad

Tamiya is the Egyptian version of falafel. Unlike the falafels from some countries in the Near and Middle East, tamiya does not contain chickpeas but beans. These treats that are sold in street stalls are best eaten for breakfast, although they can be found at any time of the day.


The tamiya are breaded, which makes them even more crisp and delicious. Many cooks sprinkle the tamiya with cumin to give them a more spicy taste, they then roll them to flatten them like hot cakes with the addition of potatoes. These Egyptian falafels are usually fried, prepared and served only to order. So you will never stumble upon a non-fresh or stale tamiya in Egypt.


Stuffed pigeon (hammam machi)




While some people are sickened by the idea of ​​eating pigeon, it is nevertheless a very special food in Egypt that is only served on special occasions.


Those who cook this dish don't use just any pigeon found around the corner. The birds served in Egypt are raised for the sole purpose of food. They are stuffed with rice or cracked wheat. The best dish to accompany the stuffed pigeon is actually the meat broth in which the bird was cooked, seasoned with a large amount of lemon juice.

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