دورة حياة النبات بالانجليزي
دورة حياة النبات بالانجليزي للصف الثالث
دورة حياة النبات الزهري
مراحل نمو النبات بالانجليزي
مراحل نمو النبات للأطفال بالانجليزي
دورة حياة النبات للأطفال
دورة حياة النبات للصف الثاني الابتدائي
أجزاء النبات بالانجليزي
دورة حياة النبات للاطفال
The different stages of a plant's growth
1 The different stages of a plant's growth
Research on:
The different stages of a plant's growth
What does a plant need to grow?
3 The steps for a start in life? There are 3 main stages
5 1) Germination:
Germination begins with the penetration of water inside the seed: it is imbibition. The seed can then more than double its weight. An experiment: have the children soak bean seeds in water for a day. The seeds swell. You can then compare their volume and weight with a part of the bean seeds that you have not dipped in water.
7 2) The lifting:
Emergence is characterized by the seedling coming out of the ground. It is only possible thanks to the prior development of the small root (radicle). On the small stem (tigelle), leaves unfold. Emergence ends when the seedling no longer needs the seed reserves. It can then fend for itself thanks to the activity of its small leaves.
9 3) Growth:
The plant "grows". It is the lengthening of the stem and the root. To grow well, the plant needs water, light and mineral elements. EXPERIENCES: • In a container or in pots, grow about twenty bean seeds in a mixture of soil and sand. By gently pulling out a plant every 2 or 3 days, you can easily show children how the plant is growing by placing the torn plants on the same sheet of paper, • you can also sow bean seeds every 2 or 3 days and pull up all the plants at the same time to compare the different stages.
10 From seed to seed, the cycle of life
The school children are growing up. One day, they will be adults and will also have children. Plants are the illustration of this life cycle. Thus, the bean is first a seed, then a plant which grows, which flowers, gives new seeds and dies. Why the bean? Because it's a plant that is annual, that goes through its life cycle in a few months, and that you can observe in class. To do this, plant 4 or 5 beans per pot containing soil kept moist. Place the jars in a well-lit area. Start growing early enough, before the onset of spring to cover the bean's life.
12 The seed germinates
The first leaves appear between the cotyledons
The first leaves are open and the bud will develop
The bean stalk blooms
The flowers give pods containing seeds
13 What does a plant need to grow?
15 Sufficient temperature:
this temperature varies according to the species: to germinate well, a radish seed needs a temperature of 8 to 10 °; a bean seed requires more heat: 15 to 18 °. However, some seeds (wheat, barley) need a period of cold beforehand to germinate properly.
17 Water:
a seed never germinates if it stays dry. However, the germination of seeds is considerably hampered by excess water.
19 Good ventilation: A seed is alive, a seed breathes.
The embryo it contains needs oxygen to develop.
21 Light: To get up well, you also need light:
most vegetable seeds do not need light to germinate. However, this light is essential for the rapid development of the young seedling.
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