دورة حياة الضفدع بالانجليزي

دورة حياة الضفدع للاطفال

دورة حياة الفراشة بالانجليزي

دورة حياة الضفدع للصف الثالث

دورة حياة الضفدع يوتيوب

مراحل نمو الضفدع

دورة حياة الدجاجة

دورة حياة الثعلب

Frog life cycle



Frog life cycle

We will begin to talk about the frog's life cycle by first looking at how it reproduces.


Reproduction of frogs

Frogs are dioecious amphibians, which means that they have separate sexes and that there are differences between males and females (sexual dimorphism). When spring begins, it is when females lay their mature eggs, when they will enter the water to find a male to mate with.


Mating is done through a "hug" of the male to the female (the amplex) and it can be inguinal or axillary, which means that it occurs either in the groin or in the armpits. Fertilization is external and, as females lay their eggs, the male releases the seminal fluid loaded with sperm onto them and thus fertilizes them. The eggs are covered with a gelatinous layer which absorbs water and swells. Depending on the species of frog, the eggs are often stuck to aquatic vegetation, or they can be laid inside plants in a rosette shape. As they do not have shells that protect them from drying out, they lay large quantities of them which will be bound by a gelatinous substance. This is what protects them against shock, pathogenic organisms and predators.


How are frogs born?


Eggs are born from larvae called tadpoles. The latter live in water, while the adults can lead a semi-terrestrial life (hence their amphibian name) but they will still have to live near humid places or near a water source. In frogs there is parental care which, although it may be rare in some species, is present in several other species:


R-Strategy: Most are "R-strategists," meaning they have a lot of cubs that they hardly care for once they're born. Thus, if they have many descendants, even if some die, there will be enough to perpetuate the species.

Strategy K: However, some species are "K strategists", such as the Surinam frog (Pipa pipa), the South Darwin's frog (Rhinoderma darwinii) and frogs of the genus Oophaga, such as the strawberry frog (Oophaga pumilio). The latter lays its eggs in the forest floor, it is then the male who will protect them against possible predators. In addition, to keep them moist, the father carries water in his cesspool to wet them. Once the young are born, the female carries the tadpoles on her back in holes formed by plants, such as bromeliad. In these cases, the female feeds the tadpoles with unfertilized eggs until the young are strong and large enough for metamorphosis to occur.

Metamorphosis of the frog


After tadpoles emerge from their eggs, they go through a transformation process, called metamorphosis, in order to reach their adult form. Next we will take the time to talk to you about each of the phases of the frog's life cycle.


Frog life cycle


In summary, we could say that the frog's life cycle takes place in 4 phases:


Egg laying

Birth of tadpoles

Transformation of tadpoles into adult frogs

Reproduction of adult frogs

This cycle can also be divided into three phases or stages:


Embryonic phase of frogs

Frogs' metamorphosis phase

Adult phase of frogs

Discover the frog's life cycle


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