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ما معنى كلمة الموضوع بالانجليزي

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موضوع البحث بالانجليزي

ترجمة كلمة موضوع البحث بالانجليزي


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موضوع انجليزي معنى

The importance of smiling


Smile happiness joy

Those who appeal to others, those who seduce, whether beautiful or ugly are those who are in tune with themselves! Among those who have passed away, here is a list of famous people who have known how to seduce the public, not for their plastic beauty but because they knew how to be themselves and to play with it: Bourvil, Fernandel, Sim, Alice Sapritch, etc. .

These people made us laugh or smile.

A smile expresses the pleasure of communicating and plays an important role in our society.

The smile cannot be dissociated from the look.

Expressed only by mouth, it is limited to a hypocritical or lying grimace.

It is through the "smiling gaze" that we attract sympathy. It gives good humor.

From smiling to laughing, there is only one step, sometimes useful to take.

Laughter is fun. It also has a social role. It boosts morale and brings people together (sometimes making fun of those who aren't).

Smiling, like laughing, can be contagious.

If laughter is communicative,

Smiles are communicative and communicate well,

It is good to be understood.

Warning ! The main thing is what is perceived by the interlocutor. If you smile inwardly while your face reflects pessimism, your message may be received as pessimistic.

Some fear laughter and even smile, often for having been the victim of other people's laughter.

With a smile we will:

- to hire,

- comment,

- appease,

- to imply,

- humiliate,

- irritate,

- threaten,

- charm.

Charm is the first stage of hypnosis. The smile should above all be used to charm the audience, especially when the subject is serious.

Instinctively, we respond positively to a smiling face. The speaker's sympathy makes it easier for the speaker to support his ideas. It is less easy to trust unfriendly people. Their influence is diminished by their inconsistency, even if they are competent.

Charm is the key word of the meeting ...

Practice, in front of your mirror, to smile with your eyes, by raising your cheekbones. Inspire sympathy with your smile. To charm is to come into harmony, in agreement or in affinity with others. Is to synchronize

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