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The essential role of happiness



To be happy is to know that you are. Sylvain Tesson: We are all going through difficult times in our lives. And in the face of misfortune, happiness is of great help to us. Indeed, it enables us to endure suffering, failure, illness, betrayal, etc.

Thus, happiness seems to be more of a necessity than a goal to achieve, because it allows us to elevate our condition beyond mere survival. Happiness therefore seems to fulfill several essential functions ...



What are the functions of happiness?


Scientific studies on this subject shed light on three main functions of happiness:

A protective function: faced with the tragedy of our mortal condition and the resulting feeling of fragility and ephemeral, we have an increased need for self-esteem, social ties, pleasant activities, etc. , we need moments of happiness. Also, it turns out that it is the activities that mobilize all our attention and that we master a minimum, which provide the most pleasure. It can be a sport, an artistic creation, an intellectual work, a DIY, etc ... Moreover, when this voluntary effort engages the body and the mind in an optimal way, the feeling of well-being felt can approach the state of grace (or psychological fluid).


A restorative function: positive emotions, in addition to alleviating suffering, allow you to take a step back. More precisely, they make it possible to consider all aspects of existence (positive and negative) and thus, not to focus only on the difficulties. In addition, this ability to be able to feel pleasant emotions despite sadness promotes resilience. For example, at the loss of a loved one, feeling the friendship and love around you offers a connection to the life that continues and thus avoids collapse and nothingness.


An integrating function: Becoming fully aware of moments of happiness, however small, and giving importance to the present moment increases well-being. More precisely, it promotes access to an emotional balance by giving a fair place to negative emotions, that is to say by accepting adversity without ruminating on it or running away from it. In addition, this realistic view of the world limits the blunting of happiness. Indeed, when a source of happiness presents itself in our daily life, we end up getting used to it and we are no longer even happy about it. It is only when we are deprived of it that we become aware of it again. For example, it is only when our water heater breaks down that we become fully aware of the happiness of taking a hot shower.


Are there any practices of happiness?


Certain practices are, in fact, likely to raise our level of happiness. Here are a few:

Maintain a close bond with loved ones by sharing activities with them, helping them, thanking them, etc ...

Engage in a fun activity that takes effort. For example, playing a musical instrument, tinkering, gardening, etc.

Stay in contact with nature by walking regularly in the forest, in the countryside, by the sea, etc ...

Accept adversity, that is to say, not be irritated by each daily difficulty. Rather consider these as normal and not as disasters due to bad luck or our incompetence.

Become aware of the good times by thinking back to a few pleasant moments before falling asleep and by taking a few breaks during the day.

Thus, beyond the pleasant feeling it provides, happiness is above all a tool for opening up to the world and plays this fundamental role of protection and repair.

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