برجراف عن helping the community     




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How to help the community

Societies progress whenever their people help each other and make the environment around them better for family, friends, and even everyone else. Do you look around and see that the society in which you live suffers from many crises? Now is the time to help fix it, and make sure that the more you love your community, the more help you can provide and the better the situation will be. Learn about the ideas in this article for ways to help your community become stronger and more advanced.




To be a good citizen

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Offer help when it's needed. A simple way to help society is to do good things that make people happy and make them feel safe. If you find someone in need of help, do not look away from them, but come forward and help them in the way you would like others to help you if you are in the same situation.

If you see a mother struggling to take the stroller down the stairs, offer to help her carry the stroller.

If you notice that someone has lost their way, help them reach their destination.

Try to help the poor who are asking for financial help instead of ignoring them.

Be the person to come forward for help in an emergency, rather than waiting for others to come forward.

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Support the local economy. Strong communities have a strong local economy where everyone joins forces to work for a living. There are many ways to support the local economy, from changing your buying habits to starting your own business. Here are some examples:

Buy food at local markets. Support agriculture and local food production Behind these foods are farmers and workers who worked hard to produce and present them to the markets.

Find and shop at local markets. For example, if you want to buy new clothes and you have two options either to buy them from one of the branches of famous international stores and enjoy a big discount, or to buy them from a local merchant, choose to support local trade. Knowing that your money will be invested in supporting the local economy will make you overlook the additional expenses that you will pay to revive your country's economy.

Consider starting your own business to serve your community, whether by providing essential products for the local market or hiring labor and helping fight unemployment.

 صورة عنوانها Help Your Community Step 15


Be sure to recycle the waste and use what works for composting. Many societies face the problem of disposing of large amounts of waste in ways that do not harm the environment, so societies benefit in the long run from recycling waste. You can participate in this process to reduce the amount of waste as much as possible and to recycle it into useful materials.

You may be one of the advocates of spreading awareness about the culture of recycling or getting involved in launching the process in your surrounding community at work or study.

Among the benefits of manufacturing natural compost from waste: reducing the amount of waste that must be disposed of, creating fertile soil in your garden, and you can, once you learn the method, teach it to others and contribute to spreading this valuable concept in society.

 صورة عنوانها Help Your Community Step 16


Make sure to conserve energy and water. Excessive energy and water drain society's resources. [1] Conservation protects the entire planet, so do your best to conserve energy and water and invest in the health of your community.

Turn off the lights you don't need, use household appliances that save electricity and reduce the temperature of the water heating. Also, separate power sources from electrical appliances as soon as you are done using them, and be sure to rationalize consumption as much as possible.

Don't go overboard when showering and washing dishes, and make sure the pipes in your home aren't leaking to conserve water.

 صورة عنوانها Help Your Community Step 17


Don't rely on your car for all your trips. Societies that rely heavily on private cars face problems primarily related to air pollution. Air pollution puts the lives of animals and plants under threat, and causes severe health problems for humans as well. Reduce your vehicle use to reduce emissions and help your community. Here are some steps to do that:

Walk or bike whenever you can. You'll actually get longer, but you'll reduce harmful emissions to the air.

Use public transportation. The public transportation network may not be the best in your area, but it certainly exists, so make sure you use it.

Partner with your colleagues at work or study and drive one of you together instead of going alone in your own car.



Learn more about your community

 صورة عنوانها Be Friends with Everyone Step 9


Mix with people. Knowing the people in your community is one of the greatest ways to teach you what you need to serve the community. Get out of your isolation and mingle with people and get to know your community properly. Attend important events, frequent cafes, and get to know your neighbors. The more you mix with those around you, the better it is for you.

Try doing something to break the psychological barrier between you and your neighbors, such as making a plate of dessert, knocking on their doors, and introducing yourself. Thus, you have made the task of opening a dialogue with them or inviting them to lunch at your house at a later time.

 صورة عنوانها Help Fire Victims Step 9


Research the needs of the community. Before you start doing something to serve your community, you must first understand what its needs are, so make the effort you need to research the problems that people suffer to find their needs, especially if you are a newcomer to this community or if you have been isolated from it for a while long. Perhaps the town's waterway is too polluted for people to use it, or the town's schools may need the resources to buy books and computers, or your community may have a homeless problem that needs help. All societies have some problem/problems, and the first step to helping solve them is to know and understand the dimensions of that problem.

Search online for the needs of your community. For example, write the name of the town you live in, followed by keywords such as “needs,” “problems,” “opportunities to volunteer,” and so on.

Read local newspapers daily. You can learn about the crises of your community and the needs of the people by reading those newspapers.

Talk to the townspeople who have lived there for a long time and ask them questions such as "What is the biggest problem facing our community? How do people express that problem?" [2]

Do not waste your energy on the many problems facing society, but choose one problem that you care about eliminating and start with it.

Find others who share the same feeling about this problem and the desire to solve it, and whether this issue is a priority for one of the civil society organizations in your town or not.

 صورة عنوانها Help Victims of the Southern California Fires Step 3


Look for civil society organizations and charities. Go on the Internet and search for those non-profit organizations, visit their websites, learn about the activities they do, who are the targets for their services, how those activities are funded and how to volunteer. You may become part of those organizations one day. [3]

Some websites provide a lot of information about non-profit organizations looking for volunteers to join.

 صورة عنوانها Help Your Community Step 10


Find out what help you can do. Once you know the community's problems, people's needs, and the activities of charities and civil society organizations, begin to identify how you can serve the community and interact with people to ease their burden. Make sure to ask yourself these questions before you begin:

What is the most problematic problem facing your community that motivates you to work towards solving it?

What can you do with your skills and talents?

How many hours can you devote to community service?

What do you need to get started?



Take a step help

 صورة عنوانها Help Save the Environment Step 24


Choose how you will help. Once you've identified the problem you want to work on, think about how you can start working on it. You might think that one person cannot change the world, but it is a wrong fallacy. One person can make big changes with their own effort, work buildup, and time; What will you do to bring about this change?

Find a point where your passion and skills meet. For example, if the problem in your town is that it suffers from a lack of green spaces, you can use social networks to write about this problem and start raising public awareness and urging people to plant trees.

 صورة عنوانها Help Your Community Step 9


Plan achievable goals. After identifying the problem, remember that it will not be solved overnight. Rather, it will take a lot of effort and time to eliminate the problem. The time required may reach years, and it may not be completely resolved after that period. So you have to set achievable goals and start implementing them step by step, and you will see for yourself the difference that will make as a result of that.

Plan short term goals. Think in a reasonable and motivating way what you would like to achieve over the course of a week, a month or a year

Plan for long-term goals. After five years, how would you like your community to be? How would you like it to be in ten years? What can be done during that time?

 صورة عنوانها Plan a Holiday Potluck for Your Workplace Step 3


Write a detailed plan of what you need in order to achieve your goals. You will need an implementation plan that includes the needed help and support. Detail all of this in your plan, including the following:

The manpower you will need: the number of volunteers you want to have with you, the number of hours they must put in, the skills they must have, all of this is important in order to achieve the goal.

The resources you need: eg the transportation you will take people to the river to clean, garbage bags, gloves and masks, the lunches you will give them, think of all the possible details.

Money: You will definitely need a detailed budget for the costs of implementing your plan.

 صورة عنوانها Empower People Step 15


Share with others the achievement of your goals. Ask others around you if they are willing to make the change you want to bring to your community. Try to form a nucleus of activists interested in participating in the advancement of society. You will find many who are willing to participate and with teamwork you can achieve the desired goals. Tell people about your plan and goals. [4]

To find volunteers interested in the cause of community development, use social media to advertise the problem and your plan to eliminate it. Tell people how to join you, meet them, and start implementing the plan.

Some people prefer to contribute money rather than volunteer effort and time, so feel free to ask for donations or have a volunteer responsible for providing financial support to support the cause.

 صورة عنوانها Help Save the Environment Step 48


never back down. After defining goals and developing an implementation plan, start implementing. Don't hold back now or else you will likely never see your community the way you want it to. It certainly won't be easy, but every effort you put into making your case a success will pay off in the end.



Sharing time and skills

 صورة عنوانها Help the Homeless Step 7


Volunteer in one of the charities that you like the activity of. NGOs and non-profit organizations always need new volunteers who contribute strongly to community service and people's problems. [5] Find a charity that deals with issues that interest you and you will find a range of activities that you can participate in. Commit to participating, because it costs this association a lot of time and money in order to train and prepare you as one of its cadres, so make sure from the beginning that you have a real desire to participate in the long term. Here are some examples of activities you can participate in:

Cleaning parks, beaches and rivers

Fundraising over the phone

Playing with pets in animal shelters

Providing meals to the poor

Working in rescue groups

Guidance in children's camps

 صورة عنوانها Help Your Community Step 11


Be present at important meetings and events. It is likely that the rest of the people in the community and members of the charitable organizations you belong to hold periodic meetings, ceremonies, etc. to advance the community, so be sure to attend these gatherings and show your interest in the problems of the community, and when you get used to these gatherings you can volunteer to organize them.

For example, if someone is trying to run an event to invite people to go to work or school by bike, why not cycle to the event? Invite as many friends as you can to do the same, as you will prove to everyone in practice that cycling is a great thing and worth a try.

Participate in a march or marathon to raise funds. Many NGOs do this to raise awareness of the cause, and the march or marathon fee goes to support the foundation's activities.

Go to celebrations and other events held by local organizations; If no one attends these events, they may stop holding all gatherings and events.

 صورة عنوانها Help Your Community Step 4


Become a civic activist. One of the best ways to help your community is to be a community decision maker. Keep abreast of all the changes happening around you that have an impact on your community and study those changes carefully. For example, if city officials decided to study converting part of the green spaces into a huge commercial complex, then you should research and read about this topic and think whether it is better to keep the green spaces or your city badly needs this mall. When you take a position like this on a scientific background and after in-depth research, it weighs on what opinion you're going to make, and it gets others to listen which in turn influences the final decision of the city. Encourage others to civic participation in important decisions and to enjoy their political rights for a more democratic environment. [6]

Voting in elections is an important way to influence society. Read about the candidates and their programs and participate in all local elections.

Tell your representative your opinions, whether you refuse to eliminate the green space or find that your city needs a commercial complex, write your opinion in detail and on what basis you took it.

Attend important meetings where decisions affecting the community are made. Talk about your concerns. Would the city benefit from more pedestrian lanes on public roads? Do residential communities need repairs and restoration? How can the current crime rates in society be eliminated? And so on.

 صورة عنوانها Help Your Community Step 6


Participate in the beautification of public facilities. If you find piles of rubbish filling the streets or neighborhood walls discolored and in need of new paint, take the initiative to beautify the city. The beautification of the city will motivate people to get out of their homes and enjoy a healthy life. Think about what your city needs and start implementing them.

You can beautify the neighborhood by collecting garbage from the streets yourself and putting it in designated areas for collection or recycling. Try to involve your friends in this initiative.

Paint the distorted walls to give them an attractive look, and if you are talented at drawing, try to draw beautiful artwork for all to see. You may need the approval of the building owners first or the approval of the city council.

Plant grassy areas with flowers and trees as much as possible. This gives it a better aesthetic shape, which adds a sense of beauty and security. [7]

Co-create a public garden where any member of the community can plant vegetables, roses, or herbs. Ask people to share the work and the tools needed for it.

First ask permission from the owner of any building or plot of land before you do anything.

Helpful ideas

Don't let your enthusiasm and belief in the cause change if you don't find appreciation for your efforts. Helping your community is even more important even if no one knows about the good you are involved in doing. Know that you are serving your community and don't let anything stop you from achieving your goal!


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