برجراف عن الام بالانجليزي


برجراف عن الام بالانجليزي

تعبير عن الام بالانجليزي طويل

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برجراف عن الصداقة بالانجليزي

برجراف عن الصداقة بالانجليزي قصير



My mother


Raffael_Vierge_a_lenfantMy mother holds a special place in my life. I love her deeply, as you can only love your mother. With a love of trust, of tenderness. A love that has never been disappointed.


My mother has always supported me. Since I was very young, she has always had confidence in me and she has worked on my developing this attitude towards myself. She finds many qualities in me which, in my opinion, are perhaps exaggerated.


My mother loves me. I never doubted it. She is a whole and dedicated woman. For those she loves, she has no limits.


My mother is strong and tenacious. Full of energy, passion. She sees life positively and has great faith in the forces of the Universe. She has always worked hard, asked little for herself, and given generously. And even when we summon her to stop, she does as she pleases. It's hard to get her to change her mind.


She has always been there for me, she supported me in the difficult times of my life. If she could, she would have taken my problems on her shoulders for me. But I don't ask him that.

I am lucky to have her near me, to have been raised by a woman like her. And I'm unhappy to make her unhappy.


Because I also know that my health problem torments her and that my worries are also hers. She sees her daughter suffering, she sees me sad. She's scared too.


Yet she remains strong. She supports me, advises me. Argue, too, when I let myself go.


I am unhappy to make my mother unhappy. And I can't help it. I can't take away his pain. I am helpless. I can't even console her.


This is the duality of love. One suffers when the other suffers. Because we invested in our love. The other has become valuable. My mother has invested all her love in her children, as I invest my love in mine. And the suffering of those we love is terrible.


What I can do is fight. Staying positive and worthy of that love and trust in my mother's eyes. To fight for others when I no longer find the strength to fight for myself.


Today I wanted to pay tribute to this incredible woman who is my mother. For his birthday. Because every year when that day comes I can't find the words to say how assured my love and admiration are to him.


I love you mom. Happy Birthday.


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