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Your family

برجراف عن a person in your family

برجراف عن what you and your family do in the holiday

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برجراف عن a member in your family للصف الاول الاعدادى

برجراف عن your family للصف السادس الابتدائي

برجراف عن your family للصف الأول الإعدادي

برجراف عن your family للصف الثاني الإعدادي

برجراف عن your family للصف الثالث الاعدادى

برجراف عن a person in your family للصف الأول الإعدادي

برجراف عن what you and your family do on holidays للصف الثاني الاعدادي




My Mothers

My mother is someone I love and admire very much. She has many qualities. Afterwards, I will introduce her to you, this unique mother who is so special to me.

My mother inherited my grandmother's beautiful hair. Her hair is dark brown and slightly wavy, the type of hair I love, but haven't had the good fortune to inherit myself. As for her shiny brown eyes that express both love and severity, she has the gift of making me feel powerless when she stares straight into my eyes. The thing I love the most about her is her smile. My mother's smile is indecipherable, but still just as sweet. She smiles often, for a yes and for a no. Sometimes I don't like to understand his smiles which, fortunately, always reserve good surprises for me.

My mother was thin, but that was in the past. Since she gave birth to me, she had grown a lot. Because of this, she often whines to me about her body losing its once beautiful curve, but I know deep down that she never regretted exchanging the sweet shape of her body against a cute child like me!

The qualities, my mother has hundreds of them. She is funny, patient, kind, orderly, generous, serious... However, each of her qualities has a "counterexample". So it's not uncommon to see her different from herself.

Finally, my mother is a very good mother and an irreplaceable mother. I will always hold a big place in my heart for her. I love you mom!



My Mothers

Maternal instinct is a marvel of nature. Everyone has a mother, who gives birth to him, nurtures him and protects him. Our mothers possess unwavering love and compassion, the praises of which cannot be withheld.

Mine, manifesting its Chinese blood while respecting the new standards brought by immigration, has captured the celestial light for 42 years. Sporting a relatively short ocher hairdo, her grainy face is encrusted with two firm, yet warm eyes. Of average height, simple gait, my mother expresses her ideas easily and her judgment is always adequate and tolerant.

Like any parent, my mother knows how to start her daily tasks without revolt and manifests an eternal calm. She was able to support me during difficult times. She knows how to scold without hurting or using execrable language. She knows how to guide us while promoting the development of our autonomy.

My mother, no doubt, has her faults. However, I accept them and I wouldn't want to leave this woman for anything in the world.



My Mothers

In my family, there is a person who is very important to me, it is my mother. I will tell you a little about his physical portrait and his qualities.

For you, maybe my mother is not beautiful, but for me she is the most beautiful woman in the world. She is a normal size, neither tall nor short. She has two large eyes under her ordinary glasses. She used to have black hair, but now, like everyone else, she has dyed her hair brown.

My mother is a person who has many qualities. She's generous and she's smart.

Finally, I want to tell you that she is the greatest woman in my life. And I love her.



My Mothers

My mother's name is hakim, she is an intelligent and beautiful woman. I will present its physical appearance and its qualities in this text.

My mother is not tall. She is about one meter and sixty-one. She is neither fat nor thin, she is of average height. She has two big eyes that sparkle and a pretty smile. She looks very young. Once, my classmate thought she was my sister.

As for her qualities, she has a lot of them. Intelligent, careful, smiling, beautiful, sometimes comical: we can use all the right words for her. She can be serious and cautious when she is working and can be funny and smiling when she is with her friends. But since nothing is perfect, she also has her fault: my mother is sometimes too cautious.

In conclusion, my mother is a lovely person. I am very happy to have such a mother.



My Mothers

Today I will describe my mother to you. Then, I will tell you about its qualities and its defects.

My mother was born in 1966. She was in a small town. After a few years, she moved to Beijing with her family. She always looks happy. She has curly and long hair. She is 1.70 meters tall. Every day she wears her blue dress and a green blouse. She is also a good teacher. Sometimes she teaches me to write novels or a text.

So, I'm talking to you about its qualities or its faults. It is sure that each person has qualities and faults and we can always improve. My mother has always been nice to me. One thing I don't like is that she always gets mad. Sometimes she talks too loudly with my family members.

I love my mother very much. She gives me the knowledge and I thank her for nourishing me until now. I promised myself to go to a good university to buy a house or important things for her.

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