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Summary of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone



See also the section Volume 1


Summary chapter by chapter


1. The Survivor


Vernon and Petunia Dursley live a very normal life with their son Dudley, until strange things happen around them. In the evening, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall and Rubeus Hagrid arrive at Privet Drive and deposit the baby Harry Potter in front of the Dursleys' door: Harry's parents have just been murdered by the dark wizard Voldemort. But when Voldemort tried to kill Harry, it was Voldemort who got hit. Harry now bears a scar on his forehead and has to live with the Dursleys, his aunt and uncle.


2. A pane disappears


It's Dudley's eleventh birthday and he's spoiled rotten by his parents, unlike his cousin Harry who has to sleep in the cupboard down the stairs. The whole family is going to visit the zoo. Without knowing how, Harry talks to a boa constrictor and releases it from its cage. This isn't the first or the last time weird things have happened around Harry...


3. Letters from Nowhere


For the first time in his life, Harry receives a letter, but Uncle Vernon confiscates it. More and more letters arrive. Going crazy, Uncle Vernon takes everyone on a trip, but the letters keep coming, until he decides to take refuge on a lost island.


4. The Key Keeper


The giant Hagrid arrives on the islet and delivers his letter to Harry. He explains to her that he is a wizard, and that the letter is an acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, where Hagrid works. Harry also learns that he is famous for causing the end of the reign of Voldemort (who everyone still calls You-Know-Who).


5. Diagon Alley


Harry and Hagrid go shopping in London. Arriving in the Leaky Cauldron, a wizarding bar, Harry realizes that everyone knows him. He notably meets Professor Quirrell, one of his future teachers. Harry discovers that his parents left him a lot of money at Gringotts Bank, where Hagrid is also picking up a package for Hogwarts. He buys all his supplies, as well as a magic wand. The merchant, Mr. Ollivander, is astonished: the wand that chose Harry contains a feather from the same phoenix as Voldemort's wand.


6. Meet on platform 9 3/4


The train to Hogwarts departs from platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross station. Harry is lost at first, but manages to access the path with the help of the Weasley family. Harry quickly becomes friends with the youngest Weasley son, Ron, a redhead who has little money and many brothers. On the other hand, the current does not pass with Draco Malfoy, a pretentious brute, nor with Hermione Granger, a Miss know-it-all. Getting off the train, Hagrid takes the new students to Hogwarts by boat.


7. The Sorting Hat


The new students of Hogwarts are divided into four houses: Gryffindor for the brave, Hufflepuff for the workers, Ravenclaw for the intelligent and Slytherin for the ambitious. The Sorting Hat, who handles the sorting, hesitates over the best house for Harry. As Harry has heard that the dark mages are all from Slytherin, he asks to go somewhere else, and the Sorting Hat sends him to Gryffindor, along with Ron and Hermione. Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster, warns the students that they should not go into the Forbidden Forest, nor into the second floor hallway.


8. The Potion Master


Harry discovers his new subjects: Defense against the dark arts with Professor Quirrell, Metamorphosis with Professor McGonagall, History of magic with the ghost Binns, Spells with Professor Flitwick… Professor Snape, who teaches potions, seems to have a grudge against Harry. While having tea with Hagrid, Harry learns that Gringotts was robbed the day they were in London, but Hagrid refuses to talk about it.


9. Duel at midnight


During the first flying broom lesson, Harry is amazed to discover that he is good at it. When Malfoy throws Neville Longbottom's Remembrall, Harry barely catches it, as Professor McGonagall looks on. She immediately selects him for the Quidditch team, a sport that is played on a flying broomstick. In the evening, Draco Malfoy launches a duel with Harry. On their way there, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville are almost caught by janitor Argus Filch; while escaping, they discover a monstrous three-headed dog in the second floor hallway. They almost get killed. Hermione notices that he keeps a trapdoor.




Harry learns the rules of Quidditch and is decidedly gifted. As Seeker, his role will be to catch the Snitch, a small ball that is very difficult to spot. At Halloween dinner, a horrified Professor Quirrell announces that a troll has broken into the castle. Rather than follow the other students to the dormitory, Harry and Ron take a detour to warn Hermione, who was crying in the bathroom. They fall on the troll; the three of them manage to knock him out, and become friends.


11. The Quidditch Match


Harry discovers that while the teachers were dealing with the troll, Snape tried to infiltrate the second floor hallway, presumably to retrieve what he's keeping. During the first Quidditch match of the season, Harry's broom behaves oddly and Hermione realizes that Snape is hexing it. She interrupts him and Harry manages to catch the Snitch by swallowing it halfway, winning the match. Hagrid announces that he is the one who provided the three-headed dog, and that what he keeps is not the students' business, but only Albus Dumbledore and a certain Nicolas Flamel.


12. The Mirror of Erised


Harry and Ron spend the Christmas holidays at Hogwarts. Harry receives an invisibility cloak that had belonged to his father. He uses it to roam Hogwarts at night and discovers a mirror that shows him his family. The next day, he takes Ron who does not see his family, but sees himself alone, Head Boy and captain of the Quidditch team. Dumbledore explains to Harry that this mirror does not show the truth, but the desires of whoever looks in it.


13. Nicholas Flamel


Hermione finds out who the mysterious Nicolas Flamel is: an alchemist who created the Philosopher Stone. The stone allows its possessor to become rich and immortal. Harry wins his second Quidditch match, but overhears Snape trying to get Quirrell to tell him how to pass the Three-Headed Dog. Harry is convinced that Snape is trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone.


14. Norbert the Dragon


Hagrid has won a dragon egg and is soon the proud master of Norbert, a crested Norwegian. But Draco Malfoy discovers the existence of the illegal dragon, and Harry, Ron and Hermione convince Hagrid to get rid of Norbert. Unfortunately, not everything goes as planned: Harry and Hermione are spotted by Filch and are punished, along with Neville and Draco.


15. The Forbidden Forest


The punishment is done in the Forbidden Forest, with Hagrid. Harry is attacked by a hooded figure, but is saved by the centaur Firenze, who explains to him that it is Voldemort who wants the Philosopher's Stone, so he can come back to life.


16. Under the Hatch


The end-of-year exams take place, but Dumbledore has had to take time off and Hagrid blurts out that playing music is enough to put the three-headed dog to sleep. Harry is sure that Snape will try to steal the stone that night. They follow him under the trapdoor and escape obstacles left by other teachers: a plant that tries to strangle them, bewitched keys, a giant chessboard and a logic test with potions. There's just enough potion left for one person, so Harry goes to face Snape alone.


17. The Two-Faced Man


But it's not Snape he finds: it's Quirrell. Snape was only trying to stop Quirrell from stealing the stone. The Mirror of Erised is in the middle of the room. Since Harry wants to find the stone, but not use it, the stone appears in his pocket. Quirrell removes his turban and we discover Voldemort's face behind his head. Quirrell tries to kill Harry, but the contact with his skin seems to burn him and it is Quirrell who ends up dying while Voldemort escapes.


Harry wakes up in the infirmary. Dumbledore explains to him that his mother sacrificed herself to save him, and that this love offers him protection that Voldemort cannot understand. Hagrid presents Harry with a photo book of his parents and Gryffindor wins the cup of the four houses.

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