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Harry Potter is the main character and the title of a series of eponymous episodic novels published between 1997 and 2007 under the signature of British author J. K. Rowling, the first billionaire writer.

The saga recounts the schooling of a young wizard named Harry Potter in a school of witchcraft and his run-ins with the Dark Arts. He is Voldemort's enemy.

It has given rise to film adaptations.
Summary of the life of Harry Potter

Harry is an orphan, he was born on July 31, 1980. His parents were James Potter and Lily Evans, he was taken in by his aunt, his uncle and their son Dudley, the Dursleys, who are abominable with him: they kidnap him ( his room was a broom closet), force him to do household chores, and Dudley makes fun of him and belittles him at school... thinking he's erasing his magical gifts by mistreating him; indeed, they have the greatest aversion to anything out of the ordinary.

On his 11th birthday, he will discover that he is a wizard, and at the same time, learn that his parents died murdered by the most famous and most formidable of wizards, Lord Voldemort, whose name nobody dares to pronounce. name (sorcerers give him several nicknames including He-Whose-Must-Not-Speak-The-Name and You-Know-Who). Harry would have survived a killing spell cast by Voldemort, the Avada Kedavra, thanks to the sacrifice and the strength of the love of his mother who was not supposed to die, at the request of Severus Snape, a faithful servant of the lord of the darkness (so called). Harry's mother shielded and the spell ricocheted off the dark mage, reducing him to a shadow, less than a spirit, freeing the wizarding world of terrible power, and everyone knowing his name. among wizards.

From then on, Harry will discover the magical world, whose existence Muggles (people who do not have magical powers) cannot suspect. Harry is going to follow an apprenticeship at Hogwarts, the school of wizards.
Harry Potter on his flying broom, chasing the golden snitch

Boring Muggle lessons like English, French, Maths, ... are replaced by lessons in broomstick flying, botany, defense against the dark arts, potions, spells, ...

Unfortunately for him, Professor Snape seems to have a certain aversion towards him and keeps punishing him. Thanks to his new friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, he faces multiple journeys and adventures and comes out of them safe and sound.

But, one evening in June, after the Triwizard Tournament (volume 4), Lord Voldemort reappears (rebirth allowed by a complex and dark magical process) and decides to take his revenge on the only wizard who resisted him: Harry Potter. Queudever a servant of Lord Voldemort kills a friend of Harry, Cédric Digorry.

Confronted with the dark mage, Harry will have to face him several times, using his magical gifts, and relying on the mysterious mental connection existing between him and his enemy... Because neither of them can live as long as the The other survives and Harry possesses a power that the Dark Lord is unaware of.

Harry goes in search of Horcuxes, objects which contain parts of Voldemort's soul, and which allow him to be immortal and Deathly Hallows, objects which would allow those who possess them to be invincible.

These adventures (in which, as in Star Wars, the forces of Good and those of Evil seem to clash in a caricatural way), ultimately show that this relationship between good and evil is not as simple as it seems. it seems. Harry Potter, a character who seems to undergo trials and triumph there thanks only to the interventions of those around him, derives part of his magical powers from his worst enemy. Likewise, while he worships his father whom he did not know, he ends up understanding that this father, formerly, mistreated the young Severus Snape. The links that unite Harry Potter (symbol of good) and Lord Voldemort (symbol of evil) and serve as a framework for the seven episodes of the saga show that good cannot exist without its counterpart, evil (and vice versa), and that, in this fictional universe of witchcraft, white magic and black magic are complementary.

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