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The need to get an opinion on your design before validating it


In this article, I will describe a trap in which we all fall…


I paint the picture for you...


You went to the hairdresser and sported a new haircut. You go see your friends, but oh disappointment, nobody says anything about this new haircut, which benefits you enormously.


So you start, very naturally, to swing your head to the right, then to the left. You start playing nervously with your locks and wrapping them around your finger. You start to doubt. That new haircut that made you feel invincible 5 minutes ago might not be so great after all.


It's too much, you decide to take the bull by the horns and subtly steer the conversation towards your magnificent mane. And there, your friends exclaim “ha yes! It frames your face beautifully."


And There you go ! That's all you needed. Your inner security is no longer fueled by nameless stress. You have received the sacrosanct validation from your friends. Phew!



Not all reviews of your design are created equal


And this insecurity, you can also have it when you work on the identity of your company. It may not be easy for you. Already, it's not your job, and then you want to be sure to do things correctly to faithfully express your values, your ideas and have all the customers you dream of. So what to do? Should you send all your drafts, tests to people you know, for approval. To make sure you're on the right track?


Ok to ask the opinion of your former customers (if it was a real pleasure to work with eu ;-)), ditto for your current customers, but damn it, why ask the opinion of your neighbor?? It is not because a person has eyes that he is legitimate to give you his opinion. Besides, if you are tempted to call on your relatives, every time you have to make a decision for your business, I advise you to take a look here, because NO, your entourage is not the best advised (in this situation, I hear)



Ask the right questions to get insightful opinions


Before continuing, I want to tell you this: as soon as you show visual content to people, know that there will inevitably be one, who will not like yellow, green or red…


But let me tell you one thing, and push an open door: It's impossible to please everyone. Why ? Because everyone has an opinion on how things should be done.


That doesn't mean you should never seek outside advice, but do so from the people who matter to your business: your ideal customers. I even strongly encourage you to do so. However, here is a little advice. When you want feedback on your new logo, don't ask for an opinion, ask for a feeling. That's right, what can you do with a review like "I don't like yellow"? Nothing ! This person has the right not to like yellow and you have the right to love it.


On the other hand, "the colors are not warm enough, joyful enough" and that joy is part of your values, so there, yes, you have some interesting information. In this case, it might be worth introducing more orange to make the whole thing warmer.


So before you jump into creating a scholarly Excel doc and taking all the opinions on earth into account, ask these three questions:


        How do you feel about this visual?

        Do these visuals look like me (or my business)?

        Which of these visuals is the most striking?


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