تعبير عن اليمن بالانجليزي

تعبير عن اليمن بالانجليزي  

تعبير عن اليمن بالانجليزي مختصر    

تعبير قصير عن اليمن بالانجليزي مترجم         

تعبير بالانجليزي عن اليمن  

تعبير عن اليمن باللغه الانجليزيه        

برجراف عن اليمن بالانجليزي          

تعبير عن الحرب في اليمن بالانجليزي مترجم     2          24

موضوع عن اليمن بالانجليزي           2          6

تعبير عن اليمن بالانجليزي قصير       2          3

تعبير عن الوضع الحالي في اليمن بالانجليزي     1          6

تعبير عن التراث اليمني بالانجليزي مترجم        1          5

برجراف عن اليمن 1          1

تعبير عن اليمن السعيد بالانجليزي مترجم          0          2

تعبير عن الحرب في اليمن بالانجليزي مع الترجمة           0          1

تعبير عن اليمن     0          1

تعبير عن صنعاء القديمة بالانجليزي مترجم        0          1

برزنتيشن عن الحرب في اليمن بالانجليزي مترجم            0          1




A state in Western Asia , Yemen occupies the southwestern tip of the Arabian Peninsula  ; the country has a long coastline to the south ( Gulf of Aden ) and to the west ( Red Sea ); it is bounded by Saudi Arabia to the north and Oman to the east.


Almost as large as France, Yemen is largely desert. The population, Islamized, is concentrated on the heights of the west (dominating the Red Sea ), more watered, and in some points of the littoral, with the principal port, Aden . Emigration has traditionally made up for the scarcity of resources (sheep and goat breeding, fishing, cultivation of millet, sorghum, qat). But the extraction of oil, since the middle of the 1980s, constitutes the most promising wealth.


1. The natural environment

Wadi Dahr

Wadi Dahr

Yemen is made up of four main groups:

– the granitic massif of the North and the Center, south-western edge of the Arab base, fractured here in a very complex marquetry of blocks with a main direction North-West-South-East, covered with sediments Jurassic and Cretaceous as well as significant outpourings of basaltic lava dominated by volcanic cones culminating at 3,760 m. This high plateau is suitably watered (more than 1 m of annual precipitation on the summit parts) by the rains of the summer monsoon (the few seasonal rains of Mediterranean origin remain insignificant);

– the high plateaus, sheltered from summer and sub-desert rains, which lower gently towards the east, until they reach 300 m in altitude at the eastern end of the country and which will merge into the Rub al- Khali , in the Arabian plateau, to the northeast;

– the Hadramout valley , to the south-east, which cuts wide, with its network of tributaries, the Eocene limestone table which here covers the ancient base on the interior reverse of the southern escarpment, and which follows an important shallow underground aquifer suitable for crops;

– on its maritime perimeter, a coastal plain, the Tihama , which runs along the Red Sea for a few tens of kilometers, with a stifling and humid atmosphere despite very low rainfall.


In Yemen is finally attached the large island of Socotora , relatively watered (150 mm of annual precipitation in the coastal plain, much more in the center of the island, which reaches 1500 m of altitude).


2. People

Hajjarain, Hadramout

Hajjarain, Hadramout

The population, Muslim and organized into tribal confederations, is concentrated in the west of the country, notably in Sanaa , the capital, and in the south of the country, where Aden , the country's second city, is located. In the east of the country, arid and desert, only the oases of Hadramout are occupied.




The number of inhabitants is growing rapidly, despite a very high infant mortality rate, and young people under the age of 15 represent 45% of the total population.


The capital, Sanaa , is located 2,200 m above sea level, on a high plateau surrounded by mountains.


3. Economic activities

Traditionally, the mountain population of Yemen settled on the interior and arid slopes; it prospered thanks to irrigated agriculture, based on terrace cultivation. The cultivation of the coffee tree, which thrives between 1,200 and 2,000 m altitude on the humid slopes of the highlands, benefits from abundant rains and the absence of frosts. Coffee has long made the reputation of Yemen and the wealth of the ports of Moka and Hodeïda , from where it was exported to Europe and Asia, constituting then the main source of foreign currency for Yemen.


Coffee cultivation is in decline today, partly because of competition from coffees from Africa and Latin America, but mainly because growing qat is much more profitable for Yemeni farmers. A euphoric plant likened to a drug, the qat is a shrub that requires the same climatic conditions as the coffee tree. Eating its leaves is a central social rite in Yemeni life, and according to various estimates, growing qat accounts for almost a quarter of Yemen's national income.




Since 1995, Yemen has been applying, at the request of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, a structural adjustment program which represents a considerable effort for the inhabitants of this country, considered one of the poorest on the planet. Yemen is also traditionally a country of emigration: too numerous for a land that could not feed them, many Yemenis preferred to emigrate to East Africa, South Asia and even Europe. However, a significant part of Yemeni emigration has, since the oil boom of the 1970s, been concentrated in the Arabian Peninsula. In 1990, during unification, while South Yemen (about 2.5 million inhabitants) and North Yemen (10 to 11 million) formed a group of 12 to 14 million inhabitants, it was estimated 2.5 million the number of Yemenis living abroad, mostly in Saudi Arabia. Transfers from emigrants represented nearly 40% of GDP in the 1980s. This is why the brutal expulsion of nearly 900,000 Yemenis by Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War was a severe shock for the country. country's economy: not only did these emigrants no longer have money to send to their families, but, returning without a job, they risked being an additional burden for the nation. In fact, when they returned to Yemen, they invested their savings and often set up their own business, which considerably cushioned the anticipated shock.


The four sites of Yemen classified by Unesco

Four sites in Yemen are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List:

– Chibam (ancient city and its surrounding wall);

– Sanaa (old town);

– Zabid (historic town);

– Socotora (archipelago).


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