This Gulf standard covers the requirements and
specifications which must be met in cosmetics for face and eye make up remover.
2.1 Gulf Standard GSO 1943:2010
"Cosmetic products - Cosmetic Products Safety Requirements".
2.2 Gulf Standard GSO ISO 22716:2009 "Cosmetics - Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) –
Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices ".
2.3 Gulf Standard GSO
ISO 22715:2008 "Cosmetics – Packaging and Labelling".
2.4 Gulf Standard GSO ISO
21148:2008 "Cosmetics - Microbiology – General Instructions for
Microbiology Examinations".
2.5 Gulf Standard GSO ISO
18415:2009 "Cosmetics - Microbiology – Detection of Specified and
Non-Specified Microorganisms".
2.6 Gulf Standard GSO ISO
18416:2009 "Cosmetics - Microbiology – Detection of Candida
2.7 Gulf Standard GSO ISO
21149:2008 "Cosmetics - Microbiology – Enumeration and Detection of
Aerobic Mesophilic Bacteria".
2.8 Gulf Standard GSO ISO
21150:2008 "Cosmetics - Microbiology – Detection of Escherichia
2.9 Gulf Standard GSO ISO
22717:2008 "Cosmetics - Microbiology – Detection of Pseudomonas
2.10 Gulf Standard GSO
917:1997 "Metal Aerosol Containers".
2.12 European
Directives 76/768/EEC related to cosmetics, annexes and amendments.
For the purpose of this
Standard the following terms and definitions shall have the meaning hereby
assigned to them:
3.1 Face Make Up
Remover Cosmetic: They are cosmtic products acting to remove face make up
contents presented in creams and liquid emulsifiers, make up, loose and compact
face powder and lip sticks.
3.2 Eye Make Up
Remover Cosmetic: They are cosmetic products acting to remove eye make up
presented in eyeliner pencils, eyebrows pencils, eyeshadow and mascara.
4.1 Face Make Up Remover Cosmetic
Existed in form of
cream, liquid, oil, lotion or wetted tissues.
4.2 Eye Make Up Remover Cosmetic
Existed in form of oil,
gel, lotion or wetted tissues.
Face and eye make up remover cosmetics shall comply with the following
5.1 All contents
and used preservative matter and colors shall be conforming according
Standards mentioned in sections (2.1, 2.12).
5.2 It shall pass
all microbiological tests according to standards related to microbiological
Analysis and methods of testing for cosmetics which
mentioned in sections (2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10) as below:
5.2.1 Free of
fungus and yeasts.
5.2.2 Free of
infectious bacteria.
5.3 It should not be
causing any allergy for skin or eye.
5.4. It shall be free
from rancidity.
5.5 It shall be
removed easy by normal water.
5.6 It shall be
removing all types of face and eye make up contents even waterproof type.
6.1 The following shall be considered when
taking samples:
6.1.1 Sampling shall be done in a clean
dirt free environment.
6.1.2 The sampling instruments shall be
clean and dry
6.1.3 Samples shall be kept in appropriate
clean, dry and closed containers.
6.1.4 Each sample container shall be
sealed in an airtight container and shall be kept at a temperature almost
identical to the normal room temperature.
6.2 Allotment of Samples
6.2.1 Test representative sample has to be
taken as tripartite one to be sent to laboratory, second to be kept with party
that withdrew the sample and the third to be kept with withdrawn party.
Note: In case of
small containers which is hard to write all required information, whole
Empty container
has to be withdrawn along with sample withdrew container.
7.1 Testing face and eye make up remover
cosmetics test samples shall
be carried out
In accordance
with the Gulf standards and Global Standards mentioned in section (2) for
7.2 Isolation of fatty matter:
In case of existence of fatty
matter, it has to be isolated first before carrying out rancidity test.
7.2.1 Instruments:
- Separation flask of 500 ml capacity
- Separation funnel of 500 ml capacity
- Beaker of 250 ml capacity
7.2.2 Used Solutions:
- Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) 10%
- Ethanol 95 %
- Petroleum Ether 40/60
7.2.3 Method: An amount of 2-3 g of homogenized product
shall be weighed in beaker 250 ml and added with 20 ml of ethanol, shaked well
until entirely dissolved. Undirectly heating in water bath can be done with
extra amount of alcohol if needed. An amount
of water to be added to beaker which is equivalent to volume of alcohol in
Sample. Sample
then to be transferred to separation funnel of 500 ml capacity and beaker to
Be washed several
times by 50 % ethanol. Place 20
ml of HCL 10 % in separation funnel and shaked well, then leaving to stand
Until separation
(isolation) of fatty acids in the upper layer. An amount
of 50 ml petroleum ether to be added, shaked the funnel well with
Evacuating the
pressure, leaving until separation, then ether layer to be taken to another s
funnel. Ether lay
to be washed with amount of 50 ml water containing of 50 % ethanol, ether
Layer to be
separated in 200 ml beaker and evaporated in water bath.
Afterthat, the
remained fatty matter in beaker to be taken and carried out rancidity test
7.3 Determination of Rancidity (Chris Test)
7.3.1 Instruments:
Clean and dry test tubes
7.3.2 Reagents:
- High purity Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) molecular weight 1.19
- 0.1% of floroglycinol solultion (0.1 g of
floroglycinot dissolved in 100 ml diethyl ether)
7.3.3 Method: An amount of 3 ml from fatty matter to be
taken and placed in test tube. An amount of 5 ml of concentrated HCL to be
added and shaked well (can be warmed). Then leaving it until cooling down,
later 5 ml amount of floroglycinol solultion to be added.
If a crimson red color shows in the acidic lower
layer, it means that it contains rancidity.
The following shall be
taken into consideration at the time of packaging packing and storing
Face and eye make up
remover cosmetics:
8.1 Product shall
be packaged inside appropriately close covers in order to protect the the
Main ingredients
and properties.
8.2 Product shall be packed inside appropriate
containers as to ensure protection for them
From external
influences, loss or damage during multiple shipments, transportation,
Handling and
8.3 The
containers shall be clean tightly closed.
8.4 The
containers shall not affect or be affected by the product.
8.5 The product
shall be stored in adequate conditions away from light and heat to ensure it r
Remains safe.
8.6 In case of
using aeorosol containers (spray), it shall be conforming to gulf standard
Mentiond in
section (2.11).
The following
information shall be stated clearly and legibly in Arabic or in both Arabic
And English on face and eye make up remover cosmetics
containers and on the label as follows;
9.1 Name of the
9.2 Name of
manufacturer, the address and/or his trademark.
9.3 Name of
importer and the address in case of importing.
9.4 Date of
production and Batch number.
9.5 Country of
origin and if the product is manufactured under a registered trademark.
9.6 Net weight
(g) or volume (ml).
9.7 Purpose of
9.8 Directions
and instructions for method of use and storage conditions.
9.9 Shelf- life
and validity.
9.10 Contents of
concentration more than 1% should be written in descending order, however
Contents of
concentration lower than 1% can be written without order.
9.11 Preservative
matter, aromatic additives and colored matter with color number (if found).
9.12 Precautions
and warnings should be taken into consideration when use (if found).
9.13 In case of
mentioning any existence of additives, it has to match cosmetic actual
Contencts, and if
additives were extracts, it has to clarify whether naturally (Extracted) or
9.14 In case of
mentioning that sample is free, it required at least the below informaion:
Name of manufacturer and
address or name of importer and address in case of Importing.
Warning statements (if
Using instructions (if
10.1 Each consignment of face and eye make up remover
cosmetics containers must be accompanied with a certificate issued either from
National Standardization Body (NSB) or from any other official body approved by
NSB showing that the consignment is complying with this gulf standard.
10.2 The consignment
is considered complying if it the samples (Final sample representing
The consignment) have
passed all the required tests analysis as stated in this Standard.
10.3 In case one or
more samples failed any of the tests, a second sample twice the size of the
First sample shall be
withdrawn from the same consignment and be subjected to all the
Required tests. Other than that, the
consignment shall be considered not complying with
This standard.
GCC Standardization
Organization (GSO) is a regional Organization which
consists of the National Standards
Bodies of GCC member States. One of GSO main functions
is to issue Gulf Standards /Technical regulations through specialized
committees (TCs).
GSO through the technical
program of committee
TC No. 1 "Gulf TC of Chemical and Textile" has prepared the Gulf Standard No. :…. /2011
"Cosmetics-Face and Eye Make Up Remover ". The Draft
Standard has been prepared by (United
Arab Emirates).
This standard has been approved as a Gulf Technical Regulation by GSO Board of Directors in its meeting No.( ),held on /
/ H , /
/ G.
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