معلومات بحث موضوع تعبير فقرة تقرير برجراف  ثعبان العشب بالانجليزي
معلومات عن الافاعي بالانجليزي الثعابين الافاعي الحياة الحيات
information about snake
اسم الثعبان  نطق كلمة ثعبان  الحيه معنى كلمة snake
the grass snake (Natrix natrix)
ترجمة كلمة  ثعبان العشب أو النطريق الشائع (الاسم العلمي:Natrix natrix) (بالإنجليزية:  Grass snake) ويسمى أحيانا الأفعى المطوقة أو ثعبان الماء هو نوع من الزواحف يتبع جنس النطريق من فصيلة الأحناش. وهو أكبر الزواحف في بريطانيا الثعابين العشبية تتغذى أساسا على البرمائيات، وخاصة الضفدع المشترك والضفدع الشائع
information about snake

the grass snake

Physical description
The snake is a reptile belonging to the family Colubridae and Lamprophiidae. Depending on the species, the size of this snake varies between 65 cm and 2 meters long. Its color can vary from very dark brown to greenish brown through gray and brown. The presence of spots also varies by species. Its pupil is round and its head much less triangular than that of the viper.

His place of life
There are various species of snakes in North Africa, North America, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe.
Some species such as the viperine snake and the tessellate snake are aquatic and live in water points (ponds, lakes, etc.). Others are semi-aquatic and are found near watercourses but also in brush, rocky terrain or groves. This is particularly the case of the grasshopper snake, which is widespread in France.

His diet
The snake feeds on rodents, frogs, lizards, insects, birds, small mammals, etc.

His reproduction
The snake winters from October to April. It is at the end of this wintering, from April to June, that the males seek the females to mate. After about 2 months, the female lays two to several dozen eggs, depending on its species and size. These hatch at the end of 2 months and the small corks that come out measure between 15 and 35 cm.

His life expectancy
The snake's life expectancy is about 15 to 25 years, or even 28 years.

Particular signs
The snake is in general a timid animal, which flees at the approach of the man. When she feels in danger, she only bites as a last resort but her venom is generally harmless to the man.

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