معلومات قصير موضوع انجليزي بحث تقرير بالانجليزي باللغة الانجليزية انشاء
موضوع عن الحيوانات الاليفة  وانواعها  اين تعيش ماذا ياكل مدة حياتها اسماء صغارها
تعبير عن الجمل بالانجليزي تعبير كتابي عن وصف حيوان اليف عبارات قصيره للاطفال
information about    paragraph  برزنتيشن  معلومات بسيطه  اسم  نطق كلمة معنى كلمة برجراف حيوان مفترس لاحم عاشب اليف متوحش وحيش الغابة موسوعة عالم الحيوانات برمائي كل شيئ عن تزاوج انواع الانجليزي  الشائعة معنى كلمة بالانجليزي اختصارات
معلومات عن الحيوانات بالانجليزي موضوع عن الحيوانات الاليفة بالانجليزي دورة حياتها
تغذية الحيوانات والحشرات على ماذا تتغذى كيف تتغذى الموسوعة تتذوق الطعام
فوائد الجنس للصف الرابع للصف السابع الاول الثاني الثالث الخامس السادس الثامن التاسع العاشر    القاطور التمساح

 افعى الاناكوندا بالانجليزي الخضراء اكبر افعى الاناكوندا  الامازون تبتلع  نهر الامازون ثعبان كبير الحجم يصل إلى 6 أمتار

Anacondas are giant snakes


The anaconda does not have the length of the Python, but it is much heavier than him and it is a giant snake. It weighs up to 250kg. Females are larger than males.





He lives mainly in South America such as Colombia, Brazil and Ecuador. He is not venomous. In general it is olive green, with two rows of black spots and small white eyes on each side of his body.

The anaconda is active during the night. His eyes and ears are placed on the top of his head, so he can stay immersed in the water and watch for future prey. He does not stay long on the ground because his skin would be covered with ticks.


This snake has sharp teeth with which it captures its prey around which it winds to bring it to the bottom of the water and drown it. It feeds on large rodents, fish, turtles, birds, sheep and dogs. He watches the animals come to drink and that's how he catches them.


Anaconda does not chew, it swallows its prey head first and as its jaws disarticulate, it can swallow a capybara (the largest rodent in the world), but it will take 6 hours to do it.


Photo of a yellow anaconda

Yellow Anaconda


After such a meal, the Anaconda will remain lethargic for 4-5 days and even several weeks depending on the size of the prey. He can even fast for two years.


It is a viviparous animal, that is to say that the young are born already formed. Mating is under water and the female can have a good dozen partners. It will give birth to ten or fifteen little ones measuring between sixty and eighty centimeters.


Photo of a green anaconda

Green Anaconda


From their birth the snakes must fend for themselves, but few will survive, because there are many predators. The Anaconda does not stop developing once it is grown. That's why some are huge, up to 100kg per meter in length.


A snake of this size can easily kill an ox. When moulting he loses 1kg of skin.


The anaconda has a lifespan of 50 to 80 years for some individuals.

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