معلومات بحث موضوع تعبير فقرة تقرير  برزنتيشن

بحث عن حيوان  الضبع جمعه ضباع معروف انه يأكل الجيف وهو  من الثدييات التي تلد وترضع صغارها، وهو حيوان مفترس لاحم و صياد ماهر يخرج للبحث عن طعامه ليلاً منفرداً أو ضمن مجموعة، وهو من الحيوانات التي تعتاش على أكل الجيف وبقايا صيد وفرائس الحيوانات الأخرى من حيوانات القمّامة معلومات عن الضبع بالانجليزي
اسم انثى الضبع
hyena mating
hyena laugh
معنى ضبع بالانجليزي
hyenas مترجم
ضبع مخطط مرقط ترجمة و معنى ضبع بالإنجليزي


Physical description
Hyenas form the family Hyenidae, grouping 4 main species: spotted hyena, striped hyena, brown hyena and protele. The most well-known spotted hyena looks a bit like a big dog, with small ears, long legs, and a short tail, forming a tuft. His coat is brown-brown, spotted with black. Its length varies between 95 and 165 cm, for a weight between 15 and 85 kg. Her rear end is lower than the front of her body, which gives the impression that she limps.

Other hyena species are smaller, with larger ears. The striped hyena has a gray coat with black bands, the brown hyena has a dark brown coat, and the proteus is red.

His place of life
Hyenas occur only in Africa, in the region south of the Sahara, and in West and Central Asia. They live in the savannah and near water points. They are often organized in groups of a few dozen individuals. In the case of spotted hyenas, the groups are dominated by a female.

His diet
The spotted hyena is essentially carnivorous. It gets its food mainly by hunting, and to a lesser extent, by recovering the bodies of dead animals. Its main prey are antelopes, buffaloes, wildebeests, impalas, warthogs and zebras.

The striped hyena and the brown hyena consume smaller prey, as well as fruits, insects and reptiles. Only the protele is outside the scope of this diet because it feeds only termites.

His reproduction
Hyenas reach sexual maturity around 2 years in the male and 3 years in the female. Gestation lasts 3 to 4 months, and the female gives birth to 1 to 6 pups, depending on the species. She gives birth in burrows that she has set up herself or that other animals have abandoned. The young are weaned around 4 months in the striped hyena, much later (between 12 and 18 months) in the spotted hyena.

His life expectancy
Hyena (also called hyena) has a longevity of about 20 years in the wild, and more than 40 years in captivity.

The cry of the hyena
Hyenas emit a great variety of cries to communicate with each other. The characteristic scream of the spotted hyena is similar to an uncomfortable sneer, which can be heard up to 5 km around. She expresses herself in this way when she is hunting or in a situation of attack / defense.

Particular signs
The spotted hyena has particularly powerful jaws, which can inflict a bite twice as powerful as that of the lion. It is indeed able to grind the bones of animals enough to swallow them. This is the only animal that can chew the bones of the elephant and giraffe.

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