Physical description
The hippopotamus is a large animal whose shape strongly resembles a barrel. It can measure up to 4.50 m and weighs between 1600 and 3200 kg. He has a big head where eyes, ears and nostrils are placed at the top of the skull. Its skin has a thick dermis covered with an epidermis whose superficial layer is particularly smooth.

His place of life
The hippopotamus spends most of its time in the water. But he can also walk on earth. He therefore has a semi-aquatic life allowing him to avoid dehydration. We find this huge animal in Asia, in Europe but especially in Africa. Hippopotamuses live in groups on a territory, a portion of a lake or river.

His diet
It is an herbivorous animal. The hippopotamus eats fresh herbs and different species of greens, but it only feeds after sunset. During the dry season, a hippo is able to eat nothing for a long time. Contrary to what might be thought of his weight, he feeds little.

His reproduction
Mating takes place during the dry season when the concentration of the population is greatest and favors the search for a partner. Hippos breed only after 6 to 13 years for males and 7 to 15 years for females. Small hippopotamuses are always born during the rainy season.

His life expectancy
Hippopotamuses are large, sedentary mammals that have a life span of 30 to 40 years.

His shout
Like the human being, the hippopotamus gives voice to express his feelings. The cries of the hippopotamus are the bellowing and the roaring.
 معلومات بحث موضوع تعبير فقرة تقرير  برزنتيشن
بحث عن حيوان  فرس النهر المألوفحيوان أفريقي ضخم  حيوان عاشب
معلومات عن فرس النهر القزم  بالانجليزي اسماء فرس النهر البحر بالانجليزي
فرس النهر القزم
حليب فرس النهر معلومات عن فرس البحر حصان النهر ترجمة كلمة فرس النهر بالانجليزي تقرير عن فرس النهر

Particular signs
The hippopotamus adapts to two environments: in water and on land.
It has a very particular skin: indeed, subcutaneous glands produce a reddish mucus which, when drying, turns into a lacquered layer on the surface. It is a way for the animal to protect itself from ultraviolet rays.

Hippos have long canines that are used to pull food.

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