معلومات بحث موضوع تعبير فقرة تقرير  برزنتيشن
بحث عن الضفادع بالانجليزي صفات الضفدع معلومات عن الضفدع للاطفال
ماذا يغطي جسم الضفدع اجزاء جسم الضفدع التي يستعملها في الحركه كيف تتحرك الضفادع
تتحرك الضفادع اسماء الضفادع معلومات عن الضفدع مراحل نمو  ترجمة و معنى الضفدع بالإنجليزي

مراحل دورة حياة الضفدع البرمائيات صفات الضفدع ماذا يغطي جسم الضفدع اجزاء جسم الضفدع التي يستعملها في الحركه علجوم حقيقي


Physical description
The frog is an amphibian of the order of the anurans. It usually measures 2 to 10 cm apart from the largest Goliath frog, which can grow up to 30 cm long. Its smooth, moist skin can be of various colors, depending on the species. Its hind legs are longer than the front ones, which allows it to leap forward up to 2 meters.

His place of life
The frog lives on both land and water. It is found on all five continents, in any sufficiently humid environment (woods, swamps, meadows, etc.).

His diet
As a tadpole, the frog is herbivorous and feeds on tiny aquatic plants. In adulthood, it is carnivorous and feeds on small invertebrates such as dragonflies, butterflies, flies, worms, etc. She catches them at a distance thanks to her long sticky and sticky tongue.

His reproduction
Females lay in the water hundreds, or thousands of soft, shell-less eggs, which will turn into tadpoles. They have a small tail that allows them to swim, but it will disappear as the four legs grow. The adult frog will be fully formed about 3 to 4 months after laying.

His life expectancy
A frog lives on average 5 years, but some species are more robust and can live about fifteen years.

The cry of the frog
The frog croaks, day and night, especially during the breeding season. It is a way for males to attract females to them. Moreover, the latter prefer the males having a serious song at the fast pace.

Particular signs
Depending on the species, frogs are raised for various purposes:
- for the flesh of their thighs, very popular in cooking, in some countries such as France and China.
- for experimentation in laboratories because their nervous, digestive, muscular and bone systems are comparable to those of man.
- for fun, they are indeed part of the new pets.

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