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وصف الغوريلا (الاسم العلمي: Gorilla فصيلة القردة العليا وأكبرها حجما   تأكل أغذية نباتية كالأوراق ، النباتات ، الثمار و أوراق العنب الخ كما أنها قد تأكل النمل ، الديدان ، الحشرات و اليرقات بحث عن قرد ضخم كبير اسمه جوريلا
معلومات عن الغوريلا بحث عن  قوة  انواع  غوريلا غربية جبلية
اسم صغير الغوريلا الغوريلا الجبلية غوريلا شرقية معلومات عن الغوريلا بالانجليزي موضوع عن القرد بالانجليزي قصير معلومات عن القرد بالانجليزي للاطفال معنى غوريلا بالانجليزي قوة الغوريلا
 Gorilla معلومات عن حيوان الغوريلا بالانجليزي معنى غوريلا بالانجليزي
ما معنى كلمة gorilla
ما معنى كلمة intelligent
معلومات عن الغوريلا بالانجليزي

ما معنى كلمة story

Physical description
Gorillas are great apes belonging, like human beings, to the Hominid family. They measure on average 1.70 m, for a weight ranging between 90 and 150 kg in the female, while the male can weigh up to 275 kg. Their coat is black overall, although in older subjects there is a gray fur on the back. The face, the ears and the torso are devoid of hair. Their arms are longer than their legs and they move on all fours by leaning on the outside of their hands.
His place of life
In their natural state, gorillas inhabit the tropical forests of Africa. Some live in the mountains, while others find refuge in the plains. They are very sparse and are currently threatened with extinction. There remain only between 50,000 and 90,000 individuals distributed mainly between Central Africa (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo Brazzaville, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea) and East (Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda).

Gorillas live in groups of 15 individuals on average, headed by an adult male. Unlike other monkeys, they live more on land than in trees. However, they sometimes climb trees to find food. This research constitutes their main activity. To do this, they travel hundreds of miles each day and rest once night falls in a bed of leaves quickly formed for the occasion.
His diet
Gorillas are vegetarians and feed on plants (fruits, leaves, stems) and insects (termites, ants). They do not drink water, content with the water contained in their food to meet their needs.
His reproduction
The sexual maturity of the female gorilla is reached at 10 years of age. Gestation lasts 8 to 9 months. The baby weighs just 2 kg at birth and is breastfed for 18 months. During his first 5 months of life, he is unable to walk and moves while clinging to his mother's fur. It is only around the age of 3 or 4 years that he will gain independence and the female will be able to reproduce again.
His life expectancy
In the wild, the gorilla can live up to 30 years, while in captivity it can reach 50 years.
The cry of the gorilla
Gorillas emit several types of cries and grunts that they use to communicate with members of the same group, or to intimidate strangers.
Particular signs
Genetically, gorillas are the living things that come closest to humans. In fact, their DNA is about 99% similar to that of the latter.

Although their natural habitat is often crossed by water, gorillas do not like to get wet. When their path crosses a stream, they prefer to bypass it or help themselves with a tree branch to cross it.

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