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تعبير عن كوفيد 19 بالانجليزي



Like every morning, karima woke up at six o'clock. She stayed in bed for a bit and got up at half past six, which is quite early for her. She took her shower and got dressed. Then she had her breakfast. During her breakfast, she read a little and she listened to the radio. After having breakfast, she took care of her green plants. Then she got ready to go to work: she brushed her teeth, she put on her makeup, she put on her coat and she left for work. She left home at a quarter past seven. Before starting her work, she had a coffee with Julien, her colleague. She worked from eight o'clock to noon. After finishing her work, she went for a walk in a park. She walked around for an hour and then she came back. Like every evening, she did some shopping at the local supermarket, she spoke for a few minutes with the neighbor and she went home to prepare the meal. Sylvie lives alone. She has no animals and she is happy like that. Tonight, like every night, she ate while watching TV. After watching her favorite program, she did the dishes and called a friend. Then she took her makeup off and took her bath. She stayed there for an hour. After the bath, she dried her hair for a long time. And after drying her hair, she went to bed. She read a little before falling asleep. She fell asleep around midnight.



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