برجراف عن what you do at the weekend للصف الثاني الاعدادى


عطلة نهاية الاسبوع بالانجليزي كلمات متقاطعة

تعبير عن أيام الاسبوع بالانجليزي

كلام عن عطلة نهاية الاسبوع

برجراف عن يوم الجمعة

تعبير عن نهاية الاسبوع بالعربي

محادثة بالانجليزي عن الويكند

ماذا فعلت في الاسبوع الماضي بالانجليزي

برجراف عن Jobs you do at home

محادثة بالانجليزي عن الويكند

برجراف عن a picnic you had



 What did you do last weekend?


So, last weekend I did a lot of things. Saturday morning it was very hot so I went to the park with my friends. There is a very nice park in Lancaster and it is good to spend hours there. In the park we played football, rode bikes and bought ice cream in the cafe. It was very good.

After that we went into town to see a movie at the cinema. We saw 'The Matrix', a sci-fi movie. It was quite interesting. I ate popcorn and drank coke.

On Sunday, I went with my family to Grange. We traveled by car. The journey took fifty minutes. We go to Grange every Sunday because my grandparents live there. It rained all day and I stayed in the house watching TV and playing cards with my grandfather. It was very boring.

In the evening, after returning home, I did my homework in my room and played a little on my computer.


What are you gonna do this weekend?


So this weekend I'm going to do a lot of things. Saturday morning it will be very hot so I will go to the park with my friends. There is a very nice park in Lancaster and it is good to spend hours there. In the park we will play football, ride bikes and buy ice cream in the cafe. It will be very good.

After that, we will go to town to see a movie at the cinema. We are going to see 'The Matrix', a science fiction film. It will be quite interesting. Me, I'll eat popcorn and I'll drink coke.

On Sunday, I will go with my family to Grange. We will travel by car. The journey takes fifty minutes. We go to Grange every Sunday because my grandparents live there. It's going to rain all day and I'm going to stay in the house watching TV and playing cards with my grandfather. It will be very boring.

In the evening, after returning home, I will do my homework in my room and I will play a little on my computer.


What do you do to stay in shape?


I do a lot of things to stay in shape. On weekends, for example, I go to the park in Lancaster where I cycle or play sports. In my opinion sport is very important for the social aspect but also because it is good for health.

In college, we do a variety of sports. It is a traditional college and we are obliged to play rugby. I love it because it's a violent sport, a team sport and I love the outdoors. I play for the first team and we have a game every weekend in the winter against other colleges. It's fantastic.

Also, I think it is important to do intellectual exercises to stay in shape. So I do crossword puzzles, I play chess and checkers and, once in a while, I read.

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